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Uganda Birds In Kibale National Park | Birds of Kibale Forest

Find all here information about Uganda Birds In Kibale National Park/Birds of Kibale Forest.

Prominently known for Uganda Chimpanzee safaris, Kibale National Park is also a paradise for birding safaris in Uganda.

The park is just a must not miss spot for all bird lovers on Uganda birding tours!

Kibale Forest National Park is home to over 370 bird species according to UWA statistics. However, researchers have found about 602 bird species in Kibale Forest, most being forest birds of Uganda.

These include the rare Green Breasted Pitta– one of the most sought-after birds for birders on Uganda safari holidays.

Kibale Forest boasts over 6 Albertine endemic bird species, including the Dusky Crimsonwing, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Black-capped Apalis,  Collared Apalis, Blue-headed and Purple-breasted Sunbirds.

Also, Kibale park boasts 4 endemic bird species counting the Blue-headed Bee-eater, Cassin’s Spinetail, Masked Apalis, and the Nahan’s Francolin. These birds can’t be spotted in any national park in Uganda!

Other Uganda birds in Kibale National Park include the Great-blue Turaco, Papyrus Gonolek, Black-headed Gonolek, Black Bee-eater, Red-fronted Tinkerbird, etc.

More so, the Yellow-breasted Apalis, Double-toothed Barbet, Black-billed Barbet, Yellow-Billed Barbet, Papyrus Canary & Yellow-spotted Nicator, among others can be spotted.

Most of the birdwatching in Kibale National Park is done in the Kanyanchu sector, along the Kanyanchu Chimpanzee Trail.

However, Uganda birding safaris in Kibale are also possible in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary, home to over 200 birds, counting the Great Blue Turaco.

For a memorable encounter, birding in Kibale Forest normally starts early morning by around 7 am.

Below Is A List Of Major Birds In Kibale National Park

1. Green Breasted Pitta

2. African Pitta

3. Great Blue Turaco

4. Abyssinian Ground Thrush

5. Masked Apalis

6. Ruwenzori Apalis

7. Black-faced Apalis

8. Black-Throated Apalis

9. Chestnut-Throated Apalis

10. White-Winged Warbler

11. White Collared Oliveback

12. Purple-Breasted Sunbird

13. Black Bee-Eater

14. White-throated Bee-eater

15. Papyrus Gonolek

16. Grey Crowned-Crane

17. Blue-Headed Bee-Eater

18. Black Headed Gonolek

19. Red-Faced Woodland Warbler

20. Crowned Eagle

21. Papyrus Canary

22. White-Tailed Blue Flycatcher

23. Cinnamon-Chested Bee-Eater

24. Nahan’s Francolin

25. Yellow-Billed Barbet

26. Double-Toothed Barbet

27. Yellow-Spotted Barbet

28. African Grey Parrot

29. Yellow-Rumped Tinkerbird

30. Red-fronted Tinkerbird

31. Black-Capped Apalis

32. Black Collared Apalis

33. Yellow-Breasted Apalis

34. Western Nicator

35. Red-Rumped Tinkerbird

36. Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird

37. Yellow-Fronted Tinkerbird

38. Broad-Billed Roller

39. Blue-Throated Roller

40. Red-Fronted Barbet

41. White-Headed Barbet

42. Red-Faced Barbet

43. Black-Billed Barbet

44. Speckled Tinkerbird

45. Scarlet-Chested Sunbird

46. Bronze Sunbird

47. Red-Chested Sunbird

48. Blue-Headed Sunbird

49. Regal Sunbird

50. Little Bee-Eater

51. Little Greenbul

52. African Shrike-Flycatcher

53. Blue-Shouldered Robin-Chat

54. Malachite Kingfisher

55. Pied Kingfisher

56. Giant Kingfisher

57. Blue-Breasted Kingfisher

58. Woodland Kingfisher

59. Chocolate-Backed Kingfisher

60. Grey-Headed Kingfisher

61. Afep Pigeon

62. White-Naped Pigeon

63. African Green-Pigeon

64. African Emerald Cuckoo

65. African Pied Wagtail

66. Pin-Tailed Whydah

67. Black-Billed Turaco

68. Black-Capped Waxbill

69. Blue-Throated Roller

70. Doherty’s Bushshrike

71. Slender-Billed Weaver

72. Zebra Waxbill

73. Brown-Eared Woodpecker

74. White-Crested Turaco

75. Ross’s Turaco

76. Bare-Faced Go-Away-Bird

77. Eastern Plantain-Eater

78. Speckled Mousebird

79. Blue-Naped Mousebird

80. Helmeted Guineafowl

81. White-Browed Coucal

82. Blue-Headed Coucal

83. Common Bulbul

84. African Black Duck

85. Piapiac

86. Narina Trogon

87. Bar-Tailed Trogon

88. Rameron Pigeon

89. Black-And-White-Casqued Hornbill

90. Crowned Hornbill

91. Yellow-Billed Oxpecker

92. Rüppell’s Starling

93. African Thrush

94. Tropical Boubou

95. Black-crowned Tchagra

96. Brown-Capped Weaver

97. African Firefinch

98. Black-bellied Firefinch

99. Common Waxbill

100. Cassin’s Spinetail


Below Is The Detailed Checklist Of Kibale National Park Birds According To Their Order And Family

A. Order: Passeriformes

A.i. Family: Pittidae                                 

  1. Green-Breasted Pitta

The Green-breasted Pitta is a lovely bird species in the Pittidae family. This attractive bird is one of the only two Pitta species found in Africa.

Physical description: It’s a short-tailed unmistakable upright bird with a distinctive green breast, a black-and-buff head, a white throat, and a vivid red belly.

Note its admirable blue-spotted wings and rump.

Habitat: Typically, it’s spotted in altitudes between 1,000 and 1,400m above sea level in the deep rainforests of Africa. On your African birding tours in Uganda, Kibale National Park is the best place to find the Green-Breasted Pitta.

Behaviour: This scarce little resident is mostly active early in the morning, often spotted in pairs on the ground, in leaf litter. However, the breeding birds commonly call and display in the canopy.

Mostly, it’s spotted by the di-syllabic “brrr-rrrt” wing drum displayed by the male as its hops up.

It can be mistaken with the African Pitta but, its green breast distinguishes it.

On a Uganda birding tour in Kibale park, this scarce bird can be spotted in the Kanyanchu area, if lucky.

  1. African Pitta

General appearance: An African Pitta is an uncommonly bright, colourful bird of the family Pittidae.

Usually, they’re easily identified by their buffy underparts, a greenback, and wings tipped turquoise blue. The undertail is red and their crown, face, and ear coverts are solid black.

It’s distinguished from the Green-breasted Pitta by the lack of a dark green breast.

Habitat: In most times, it’s found on the floor of the forest and in dense thickets. However, may be seen standing motionless for long periods in a tree canopy.

Habits and foraging: This Pitta moves by quick hops. Usually, it forages singly on leaf litter, where it scratches insects and molluscs.

Breeding: They’re monogamous. Females lay 3-4 white eggs marked with liver-red to blackish-brown markings, often in November- December. Their nest is dome-shaped, made out of small sticks, grass and dry leaves.

During the incubation time, birds normally fall silent.

Though it’s a rare bird, while bird watching in Kibale National Park, it can be spotted in the Kanyanchu region.

A.ii. Family: Turdidae

  1. Abyssinian Ground-Thrush

Physical description: An Abyssinian Ground Thrush is a beautiful Thrush of the family Turdidae. It’s about 19-20cm long and weighs approximately 43-65g.

Adults have deep rufous orange on their heads and faces, plus a distinctive white eye ring.

Their colour becomes less rufous on the breast and flanks, and the upper parts are olive-brown. The rump and tail are orange-brown. On folded wings, they display 2 white wing bars from the tips to the coverts.

Though much similar to the Orange Ground-Thrush, it has its head pattern, an orange crown, a plain face, and a complete white eye ring.

Habitation: It’s mostly spotted in the undergrowth of the evergreen montane forest, although occasionally found lower.

Normally, it’s found foraging singly on the ground where it hops or runs under trees or dense vegetation. Frequently, it’s found near forest streams and may sometimes visit forest edges or paths.

Diet: Usually, earthworms, millipedes, and snails got in leaf litter make up its diet. However, fruit such as figs, berries and some seeds are eaten too.

Reproduction: In most cases, this bird lays only 2 eggs, normally during the rainy season. They normally nest in the fork of the branch about 5m from the ground.

If lucky, you can spot this scarce bird during Kibale Chimpanzee trekking.

  1. African Thrush

Physical appearance: The African Thrush is a common and attractive Thrush with grey upperparts and grey-brown underparts. Though, these can be buff, grey, or rufous depending on where it’s found. Observe their golden bill in all ranges.

It weighs around 46-78g and holds over 21- 23cm body length.

This bird can be mistaken for the Abyssinian Thrush. However, it’s more often found at lower elevations and is darker overall. Note also its paler yellow bill.

Ecology: These birds are usually found in various wooded habitats like forest edges, riparian woodlands, scrub cultivations, parks and gardens. It can be spotted singly or in a pair.

Behaviour: Mostly spotted singly or in pairs, usually in cover, foraging on ground leaf litter. But, will come out and gather at fruiting trees. Invertebrates and small fish (occasionally) supplement their diet.

Breeding: The female produces about 2-3 eggs in a bulky cup-shaped nest using plant fibres and mud lined with fine grasses, leaves and roots. Their nests are normally placed on tree branches about 10m off the ground.

Only females incubate the eggs. However, both sexes feed the infants.

This Thrush is hardly missed during Kibale Chimpanzee trekking.

Other Kibale National Park Birds In The Order Of Passeriformes, Family Turdidae

4. Abyssinian Thrush

5. Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush

6. Red-tailed Ant-Thrush

7. White-tailed Ant-Thrush

8. Black-eared Ground-Thrush

A.iii. Family: Cisticolidae  

  1. Masked Apalis

Physical appearance: The Masked Apalis is a lovely small slender Warbler, having greenish upper parts and reddish eyes.

Note its grey crown and cheeks separated from the black throat by a colourful white moustache. The juveniles have a green crown and yellow throat.

Though somehow similar to some montane forest Apalises, Black-throated Apalis has a striking yellow-orange belly. A Black-faced Apalis– an Albertine Rift endemic features a black crown and the moustachial streak reduced to a neck spot.

Habitat: This Apalis is locally found in scattered locations in lowland forests below 1500m a.s.l. It prefers the lower strata of primary and secondary forests plus scrubs.

In Kibale forest national park, this Apalis can be spotted in the Kanyanchu region.

  1. Black-faced Apalis

General appearance: A Black-Faced Apalis is a beautiful black-hooded and green-backed Apalis having a white spot on the side of the neck.

It can be confused with the Masked Apalis, which has a mostly black head and a white dot on the neck side and is found at higher elevations.

Habitat: This Apalis is commonly spotted in the Albertine rift montane forests, often found in pairs, which usually join other flock species.

It’s an active Apalis preferring foraging in the middle canopy however, can sometimes feed in the lower canopy.

While bird watching in Kibale Uganda, it can be spotted during nature walks within the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Black-throated Apalis

General appearance: A Black-throated Apalis is a beautiful boldly marked bird of the family Cisticolidae. This lovely Apalis has a distinctive throat pattern of black and white streaks.

Males hold a black mask and are more colourful usually. Their crown colour varies from grey to black geographically.

Females mostly have olive-green upper parts.

It’s distinguished from all other similar Apalis species in its range by its yellow underparts.

Ecology: This Apalis is mostly spotted within Albertine rift montane forests, though locally found in the lower humid forests of West Africa.

Behaviours: Usually, they’re found in pairs in the canopy and can sometimes join other mixed flock species.

On your Kibale Uganda birding tour, this bird can be spotted Kanyanchu area.

  1. Chestnut-throated Apalis

Physical description: The Chestnut-throated Apalis is an attractive species of bird belonging to the Cisticola family, Cisticolidae. It’s generally a grey Apalis with a prominent rufous neck and underparts that are greyish.

This little Apalis is about 12cm long.

It’s similar to the female Buff-throated Apalis. But, it holds a distinct rufous throat and grey underparts as opposed to white.

Habitat: Usually, it’s spotted in the canopy of montane forests (above 1600m elevation) and adjacent secondary growth. In most cases, it’s found in pairs, though can join other feeding flock species.

Diet: In most cases, this Apalis forages on insects and other small invertebrates, which are obtained by gleaning from leaves and branches, and those in the air.

On your Uganda birding trip in Kibale, this bird can be spotted within the Kanyanchu expanse.

  1. Black-capped Apalis

The Black-capped Apalis is a gorgeous species of bird in the family Cisticolidae.

Physical appearance: This dazzling Apalis has white underparts bisected by a neat black chest band, more visible in males than in females.

The upper parts are yellow-green with a dark black cap and sides of the head. Its relatively long tail is commonly held slightly raised.

Habitat: Usually, they’re spotted on forest edges either singly or in pairs.

During a Uganda bird-watching safari in Kibale forest, especially during guided nature walks along the Kanyanchu trail.

  1. Yellow-breasted Apalis

General appearance: A Yellow-breasted Apalis is an eye-catching species of bird in the family Cisticolidae.

It’s a slender colourful long-tailed canopy Warbler with green upperparts, yellow breasts, a greyish face and red eyes.

It holds a white belly that’s sometimes separated from the breast by a black bar which lacks in some individuals.

Ecology and habits: They’re mostly spotted around forest edges and broadleaf woodlands, usually in pairs. However, will join other mixed flock species to forage actively in the canopy, flipping their tails as they move.

In Kibale national park Uganda, you can spot them along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

  1. Black Collared Apalis

Physical description: The Black-collared Apalis is a pretty species of bird in the family Cisticolidae. It’s a slim beautiful long-tailed bird with grey upperparts and mostly white underparts.

Note the black chest band and rufous flanks. Though similar to the Rwenzori Apalis, it’s identified by its white rather than buffy throat.

Habitat: This Apalis is endemic to Albertine rift montane forests. In most cases, it’s spotted in the understory and along the forest edges, normally in pairs or small flocks. But, can join other mixed flocks.

During your birding tours in Uganda Kibale national park, you can spot it within the Kanyanchu region, if lucky.

  1. White-Winged Warbler

A White-winged Warbler is also called the White-winged ground-Warbler.

Physical description: It’s a beautiful vulnerable bird species in the family Phaenicophilidae, the only member of the genus Xenoligea.

It measures about 13-14cm long and weighs nearly 12-13g.

This adorable Warbler features a bright green back, a grey crown, and white underparts plus blackish wings and a tail. It’s named for the bold white stripe on the wings.

Though somehow similar to the Green-tailed Ground Warbler, a white stripe on its wings distinguishes it.

Ecology: This species usually inhabits numerous forest types with a dense understory including, thickets and shrubs as well as secondary forests.

In elevation, it ranges between 875- 2,000m elevation. However, it’s most spotted above 1,300m altitude.

Usually, it’s spotted in small groups. However, can join other mixed-feeding flocks. It’s a year-round resident throughout its range.

Diet: Forages most on arthropods and seeds.

Reproduction: The White-winged Warbler’s breeding season is believed to be between May-July and females often lay 2 eggs.

Their nests (made out of moss, leaves, and lichen) are constructed in thickets usually 2.5m from the ground.

Can be spotted in thickets along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

Other Kibale National Park Birds In The Order Of Passeriformes, Family Cisticolidae  

17. Buff-throated Apalis

18. Grey Apalis

19. Buff-bellied Warbler

20. Tawny-flanked Prinia

21. Banded Prinia

22. Black-faced Rufous-Warbler

23. Grey-capped Warbler

24. Red-faced Cisticola

25. Singing Cisticola

26. Whistling Cisticola

27. Trilling Cisticola

28. Chubb’s Cisticola

29. Rattling Cisticola

30. Carruthers’s Cisticola

31. Croaking Cisticola

32. Siffling Cisticola

31. Zitting Cisticola

32. Wing-snapping Cisticola

33. Yellow-vented Eremomela

34. Green-backed Eremomela

35. Rufous-crowned Eremomela

36. Red-winged Gray Warbler

37. White-chinned Prinia

38. Green-backed Camaroptera

39. Yellow-browed Camaroptera

40. Olive-green Camaroptera

41. Winding Cisticola

A.iv. Family: Estrildidae

  1. White-collared Oliveback

Physical appearance: The White-collared Olive back is a beautiful species of the Waxbill family.

It’s a little spectacular olive-green, grey, and black Finch.

Males have a narrow white collar and an olive-green breast, while females lack the collar and have all-grey underparts.

Somehow similar to the Grey-headed oliveback but, smaller and has a black head.

Habitat: In most cases, they’re found in dense moist habitats such as the forest edges, usually in small flocks.

While bird watching in Uganda Kibale National Park, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu expanse.

  1. Black-crowned Waxbill

General appearance: A Black-crowned Waxbill is a colourful common species of Estrildid Finch. This attractive Waxbill is grey, black-crowned, and white, with red highlights.

It features a vivid red rump, so visible while in flight.

Though it’s somehow similar to the Black-headed and Kandt’s Waxbills, they’re paler and greyer with a white rather than black undertail.

Habitat: They’re mostly found in flocks, especially in grassy areas. However, also possible within forest edges and woodlands.

This bird is rarely missed along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

  1. Zebra Waxbill

Physical appearance: Also called the Orange-breasted Waxbill, the Zebra Waxbill is a spectacular tiny (about 9cm long) short-tailed Sparrow-like bird.

This eye-catching bird holds a reddish iris, orange breast, red bill and dark olive-green plumage.

Males have a red rump, dark bars on the whitish flank plus a red eyebrow stripe. The females are duller and smaller than males and lack the male’s red eyebrow.

Slightly similar to the Quailfinch but, have yellow underparts and a red rump.

Ecology and diet: They’re mostly found in wetlands, moist savannahs, and damp cultivation areas. Normally, it’s spotted in small flocks, foraging on seeds, insects and shoots.

Reproduction: Usually, females lay about 4-6 eggs in an oval-shaped nest made out of the grass. In most cases, they use the old nests of the Red-collared widowbird.

They can be spotted during a swamp walk in Bigodi wetland.

The Other Kibale Forest Birds In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Estrildidae

45. African Firefinch

46. Black-bellied Firefinch

47. Common Waxbill

48. Abyssinian Crimsonwing

49. Red-faced Crimsonwing

50. Red-billed Firefinch

51. Quailfinch

52. Bar-breasted Firefinch

53. Red-cheeked Cordonbleu

54. Red-headed Bluebill

55. Black-faced Waxbill

56. Kandt’s Waxbill

57. Orange-cheeked Waxbill- Rare

58. Fawn-breasted Waxbill

59. Crimson-rumped Waxbill

60. Green-backed Twinspot

61. Jameson’s Antpecker

62. White-breasted Nigrita

63. Chestnut-breasted Nigrita

64. Grey-headed Nigrita

65. Pale-fronted Nigrita

66. Grey-headed Oliveback

67. Black-bellied Seedcracker

68. Green-winged Pytilia

69. Brown Twinspot

70. Yellow-bellied Waxbill

71. Bronze Mannikin

72. Magpie Mannikin

73. Black-and-white Mannikin

A.v. Family: Nectariniidae

  1. Purple-breasted Sunbird

Physical appearance and habitat: The Purple-breasted Sunbird is a colorful long, slim medium-sized bird, endemic to the Albertine rift forests.

Breeding males display an array of brilliant colours in good light and have long thin tails.

Females have dark faces and pale throats.

It’s similar to the Bronze Sunbird but males are separated by their longer tails and purple tones in breeding plumage.

Females are identified by their more pointed tails and lack of pale eyebrows.

They’re usually uncommon. However, with the help of our expert local guide, you can spot it during Kanyanchu nature walks.

  1. Scarlet-chested Sunbird

Physical description: A Scarlet-chested Sunbird is a spectacular, large, dark Sunbird with a long, decurved bill.

The crimson daub on the male’s breast and the green colour on their crown and throat make them extremely attractive.

Females have a highly specked, grey-brown underside.

The violet rump and shoulder patches, along with a black throat, differentiate the Hunter’s Sunbird apart from the Scarlet-Chested Sunbird.

Habitat: They’re commonly found in areas of dry and moist savannas, and gardens usually alone or in couples.

Forage:  Mostly feed on nectar and insects.

In Kibale Forest, this bird is commonly spotted within the Kanyanchu region.

  1. Bronze Sunbird

Physical appearance: A Bronze Sunbird is a scarce medium-sized bird with a long thin and curled bill. The males have golden and green overtones. However, they might appear black in low light.

Females’ underparts are striped yellow, and their eyebrows are whitish.

Please note that a male Bronze Sunbird is quite similar to the male Tacazze Sunbird. However, lacks purple tones in its plumage.

Females are distinguished from the Malachite and Tacazze Sunbirds by their paler underparts with fine stripes.

Ecology: Usually found in montane habitats including forests, woodlands, grasslands, forest edges, and gardens.

Diet: Their diet is typically limited to nectar, spiders and insects like ants, beetles, wasps, bees and termites etc.

Reproduction: This Sunbird usually breeds in September- May. However, the peak months of egg laying are between October- December and often, 1-2 eggs are laid by a female.  Incubation takes about 16- 21 days.

During breeding, the male’s role is limited, after conception, the male often leaves.

In Kibale national park Uganda, this bird can be spotted in the Kanyanchu area but, on rare occasions.

  1. Red-chested Sunbird

Physical appearance: A Red-chested Sunbird is a stunning slim curve-billed Sunbird in the Nectariniidae family.

Both sexes are very different.

Males have extended centre tail plumes, a visible red band across the underparts, and are often black and green.

Females are pale with numerous dark markings below and a simple grey-brown colouration above.

This Sunbird sometimes is confused with the Beautiful Sunbird. But, the male Red-chested Sunbird doesn’t feature a lot of yellow on its belly band, while females have more streaking below.

Females resemble female Marico Sunbirds. However, they don’t have a dark throat patch.

Ecology: These Sunbirds can be found in a range of moist environments, including savannas, forests, marshes, scrubs, and gardens.

On your Uganda birding safaris in Kibale, it can be spotted within the Kanyanyu area.

  1. Blue-headed Sunbird

General appearance and ecology: A Blue-Headed Sunbird is a lovely medium-sized bird of about 14cm long, weighing approximately 10-16g.

Breeding males have long, thin tails and a variety of vibrant colours that are displayed in excellent light.

Females have black cheeks and pale necks.

This bird slightly looks like the Bronze Sunbird. But, males can be distinguished by their larger tails and, purple tones in the breeding plumage.

Females are identified by their more pointed tails and absence of pale eyebrows.

Habitation: The Purple-breasted Sunbird is restricted to Albertine rift forests, usually found in the canopy.

Though rare in Kibale National Park, it can be spotted in the Kanyanchu region with the help of our knowledgeable local guide.

  1. Regal Sunbird

General appearance: A Regal Sunbird is a pretty species of Sunbird commonly spotted in the montane forests of the Albertine Rift Valley.

Males feature brilliant yellow, and red breasts, and bellies. Note also the bright green upper parts, dark wings, and tails. Females are dull brownish.

Males can be distinguished from other Sunbirds by their yellow underparts. Females are quite similar to female Double-collared Sunbirds but paler and more yellowish.

Habitation: This Sunbird is mostly found in regions between 1,500- 3,100m altitude. Frequently, it’s spotted in evergreen mountain forests, mixed forests, secondary-growth forests, scrublands and bamboo.

In Kibale forest national park, you can spot it within the Kanyanchu area though, on rare occasions.

More Birds Of Kibale National Park In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Nectariniidae

80. Blue-throated Brown Sunbird

81. Olive Sunbird

82. Collared Sunbird

83. Beautiful Sunbird

84. Superb Sunbird

85. Grey-headed Sunbird

86. Variable Sunbird

87. Northern-Double-collared Sunbird

88. Purple-banded Sunbird


89. Western Violet-backed Sunbird

90. Little Green Sunbird

91. Green Sunbird

92. Green-headed Sunbird

93. Green-throated Sunbird

94. Malachite Sunbird

95. Olive-bellied Sunbird

96. Tiny Sunbird

97. Orange-tufted Sunbird

98. Copper Sunbird

99. Mariqua Sunbird

A.vi. Family: Malaconotidae

  1. Papyrus Gonolek- Near-threatened

Physical description: The Papyrus Gonolek is a spectacular bird species in the family Malaconotidae.

It’s a handsome black and red medium-sized Bushshrike about 18cm long with a distinctive yellow crown.

Its upper parts: the wings & tail are black except for a broad white bar on the wings. The breast and upper belly are vivid orange-crimson, and the lower belly is whitish.

Habitat: This Gonolek is restricted in Papyrus swamps along rivers and around lake shores.

Diet: Their diet consists basically of insects like beetles, flies and ants. However, snails, fruits and seeds are eaten at times.

Reproduction: Little is known about their breeding biology. But their nest is doubtless built in a small bush, usually in the reedbeds.

On your birding safari in Kibale, this bird is best spotted in the neighbouring Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. Black-headed Gonolek

Physical description: A Black-headed Gonolek is a nice-looking bird species in the family of Malaconotidae. It’s an attractive Bushshrike truly unmistakable due to its vivid red and black plumage.

In length, it holds about 20- 22cm long and can weigh approximately 42- 55g.

Though, a little similar to the Papyrus Gonolek, it has an all-black head lacking a yellow crown.

Habitation: This generally retiring Shrike mostly dwells in tropical moist shrubs, overgrown cultivation and seasonally flooded lowland areas. Usually, it’s spotted skulking in the undergrowth.

On your birding tour in Uganda Kibale forest national park, it can be spotted in the nearby Bigodi wetland.

  1. Doherty’s Bushshrike

Physical description: A Doherty’s Bushshrike is a boldly patterned black and red Bushrike having pale eyes. It’s a relatively small-billed Bush-shrike, about 19cm and over 36-40g.

The juveniles have pale underparts with fine dark bars.

It can be confused with the Yellow-crowned and Papyrus Gonoleks. However, has an all-black rather than a yellow crown.

Ecology: Usually, this Shrike is found in thick woodlands and humid thickets on the edges and forest clearings. Particularly where there is bracken and bamboo mixed in. Often found between 1,500- 3,350m a.s.l.

Doherty’s Bushshrike is more often heard than it’s seen.  In most cases, it’s spotted singly, skulking in dense understory. Its loud whistling territorial call is commonly heard all months of the year.

Diet: Usually, it forages by searching in the dense undergrowth on the ground feeding on arthropods, basically beetles and grasshoppers.

Reproduction: May-June are breeding months in Uganda and Kenya. However, this differs from those of DRC which is April-July.

If lucky on your Uganda birding tour in Kibale, this bird can be spotted within the Kanyanchu region.

  1. Tropical Boubou

Physical description: Also called the Bell Shrike, a Tropical Boubou is a medium-sized nice-looking black-and-white Bushshrike. It’s about 23-25cm long and weighs about 38-70g. However, adults can weigh between 50-60g.

Its underparts are white while the upper parts and tail are glossy blue-black except for a white stripe across the top of the wing.

Their bill and legs are black, while the feet are bluish grey and have dark reddish brown irises.

Habitat: Normally spotted in dense microhabitats within forests, woodlands, thickets, and gardens.

Diet: Typically, they feed on or near the ground, and rarely ascend to the tree canopy often. It commonly holds most of its prey down with its foot while eating.

Just like other Bushshrike, this Shrike pierces its prey on thorns to eat later. It feeds mostly on large terrestrial invertebrates and their larvae as well as small terrestrial vertebrates.

Reproduction: This Shrike is monogamous. Females usually lay about 3-4 eggs which are bluish to buff green, with brown and lilac spots. They take about 14- 16 days to hatch.

During a Uganda bird-watching tour in Kibale Forest, you can spot them within the Kanyanchu region.

More Birds Of Kibale National Park In The Order Of Passeriformes, Family Malaconotidae

104. Black-crowned Tchagra

105. Marsh Tchagra

106. Brown-crowned Tchagra

107. Lühder’s Bushshrike

108. Pink-footed Puffback

109. Slate-colored Boubou

110. Grey-green Bushshrike

111. Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike

112. Many-colored Bushshrike

113. Northern Puffback

A.vii. Family: Fringillidae

  1. Papyrus Canary

Also called the Van Someren’s Canary, the Papyrus Canary is a beautiful species of passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae.

Physical appearance: It features a distinctive yellow plumage with black streaks and both sexes look alike. However, males are boldly marked, mostly on the face.

This little bird is a bit similar to Western Citril but, identified by the lack of a yellow eyebrow.

Also very similar to the Southern Citril, but separated by the pinkish bill.

Ecology: The Papyrus Canary is typically spotted in papyrus swamps. However, it can also be encountered in adjacent areas near papyrus.

Usually, it constructs its nests in papyrus stands, using the papyrus leaves.

While birding in Kibale, this bird can be spotted during a boardwalk in the neighbouring Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

Additional Kibale Birds In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Fringillidae

115. Western Citril

116. Brimstone Canary

117. Streaky Seedeater

118. Thick-billed Seedeater

119. Oriole Finch

120. Yellow-crowned Canary

121. Yellow-fronted Canary


A.viii. Family: Stenostiridae

  1. White-tailed Blue Flycatcher

Physical appearance: The White-tailed blue Flycatcher is a spectacular slim bird (about 14cm long and 6-9g weight). This lovely little bird is slightly crested and has a long tail which is usually fanned.

It features a white outer tail, pale grey underparts, and a bright blue back.

In look, it’s more like an African Blue Flycatcher. However, it’s distinguished by a distinctive white tail.

Ecology: Usually, it’s found in rainforests, gallery forests, dry savanna, and lush gardens.

In Kibale forest national park Uganda, this little bird can be spotted during nature walks along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

More Birds Of Kibale Forest In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Stenostiridae

123. White-tailed Crested-Flycatcher

124. African Blue Flycatcher

125. Dusky Crested-Flycatcher

A.ix. Family Nicatoridae

  1. Western Nicator

Physical description: The Western Nicator is a beautiful Bushshrike-like bird in the family Nicatoridae. It measures about 20-23cm long and approximately 32-67g.

This Nicator holds a heavy hooked bill, olive-green upper parts and pale underparts with bold white spots on the wings. Please also note the yellow corners of the tail which are visible in flight.

This bird can be confused with the Eastern Nicator. However, their range differs, More so, it is almost similar to the Yellow-throated Nicator, but larger and has no yellow throat and streak above the eye.

Ecology: It’s found in rainforests, gallery forests, thickets, lush secondary habitats, and dense woodlands between 700- 1,850m altitude.

Usually, it’s spotted creeping secretively in the tangled understory and the mid-level vegetation.

In Kibale forest national park, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

A.x. Family: Pycnonotidae   

  1. Little Greenbul

Physical description: A little Greenbul is a lovely small bird species of the Bulbul family of Passerine birds.

Its total length is about 187mm, with wings having about 80mm and a tail of about 77mm.

This gorgeous bird has a brown upper tail and wings while the breast and flanks are pale grey-greenish. Its bill is brown, the iris is brown and the feet are light yellow-brown.

It’s very similar to several other Greenbul species but, identified by the lack of a pale eye-ring.

Habitat: Normally, it’s found in the understory and mid-story of the forest, and thickets.

It can be spotted along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

  1. Common Bulbul

Physical description: The Common Bulbul is a lovely unmistakable Thrush-sized brown bird with a darker face and throat. It’s about 18cm in length, with a long tail.

Their belly is pale and the under tail is white or yellow in some species.

Habitat: Usually, this Bulbul is found in woodlands, coastal bushes, forest edges, riverine bushes, montane scrubs, and in mixed farming habitats.

Diet: This Bulbul commonly fees on fruits, nectar, seeds and insects.

Behaviors: It can be spotted in pairs or small flocks. It’s not easily missed due to its noisy and repetitive powerful song.

Reproduction: Generally, this bird breeds at the onset of the rainy season, laying about 2-3 eggs in a fairly rigid cup shaped nest. The nest is usually situated inside the leafy foliage of a small tree or shrub.

Just like other Bulbuls, it’s parasitized by the Jacobin Cuckoo.

On your bird-watching tours in Kibale, they’re rarely missed along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

More Kibale Park birds in Order Passeriformes, Family Pycnonotidae

129. Joyful Greenbul

130. Slender-billed Greenbul

131. Red-tailed Bristlebill

132. Lesser Bristlebill

133. Shelley’s Greenbul

134. Eastern Mountain Greenbul

135. Honeyguide Greenbul

136. Yellow-throated Greenbul

137. Spotted Greenbul

138. Swamp Greenbul

139. Red-tailed Greenbul

140. Grey Greenbul

141. Ansorge’s Greenbul- Rare

142. Plain Greenbul

143. Yellow-whiskered Greenbul

144. Leaf-love

145. Toro Olive-Greenbul

146. Cabanis’s Greenbul

147. Icterine Greenbul

148. Xavier’s Greenbul

149. White-throated Greenbul

150. Yellow-streaked Greenbul

A.xi. Family: Vangidae

  1. African Shrike-flycatcher

Also called the Red-eyed Shrike-flycatcher, an African Shrike-flycatcher is a gorgeous species of bird in the family Vangidae.

Physical description: It resembles the heaviest Flycatcher with a large hooked bill, a big head, and a relatively short tail plus a large body.

Males have white underparts and black above with a red eye plus a white rump patch. Females are white below with black stripes and have reddish-brown upper parts.

This Flycatcher can be confused with a Black-and-white Shrike-Flycatcher but, it has a white throat and no crest, and females are speckled below.

Habitat: Usually, it’s spotted in forests and on forest edges resting upright on branches, wiggling its tail from side to side.

On your Uganda birding tours in Kibale NP, it can be spotted during nature walks in the Kanyanchu area.

The Other Kibale Bird In Order Passeriformes, Family Vangidae

152.     Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher

A.xii. Family Muscicapidae 

  1. Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat

A Blue-shouldered Robin-chat is a colorful species of bird in the family Muscicapidae commonly spotted in humid forests.

Physical description: It has a striking head pattern with a black cap and cheek, a white eyebrow, plus an orange throat. Its shoulders have a pale blue patch that can be largely unnoticed.

Its tail has a dark center and broad orange sides. It’s identical to a White-browed Robin-Chat but, separated by its blue shoulder.

Habitat: Found in the understory of various types of the forest at low and middle elevations, including rainforest, gallery forest, and secondary forest.

While bird watching in Kibale, this bird can be spotted during nature walks in the Kanyanchu area.

More Kibale Forest National Park In Order Passeriformes, Family Muscicapidae

154. Swamp Flycatcher

155. African Dusky Flycatcher

156. Spotted Flycatcher

157. Cassin’s Flycatcher

158. Sooty Flycatcher

159. Dusky-blue Flycatcher

160. Pale Flycatcher Agricola

161. African Forest-Flycatcher

162. Grey-throated Tit-Flycatcher

163. Grey Tit-Flycatcher

164. Ashy Flycatcher

165. Yellow-eyed Black-Flycatcher

166. Northern Black-Flycatcher

167. White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher

168. White-browed Robin-Chat

169. Red-capped Robin-Chat

170. Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat

171. Brown-chested Alethe

172. Grey-winged Robin-Chat

173. Equatorial Akalat

174. Semi collared Flycatcher

175. Whinchat

176. African Stonechat

177. Sooty Chat

178. Silverbird

179. Fire-crested Alethe

180. Brown-backed Scrub-Robin

181. Red-backed Scrub-Robin

A.xii. Family: Motacillidae

  1. African Pied Wagtail

Physical appearance: Also called the African Wagtail, the African pied Wagtail is a dazzling species of bird in the family Motacillidae. It’s about 20cm long.

This is the only black-and-white wagtail in Africa showing a bold white eyebrow and wing panels plus a broad black throat patch. Juveniles are brownish.

Habitat: The African Wagtail mostly inhabits wet or flooded lowland grasslands, rivers, and, sometimes freshwater marshes.

It’s also spotted around humans for example, in towns and villages, usually in pairs or family groups.

Behavior and diet: They usually run on the ground foraging for insects, wagging their tail up and down in an amazing motion. Invertebrates, seeds, grass tadpoles, small fish and leftovers of human food can be eaten too.

Reproduction: This Wagtail is monogamous and usually starts breeding before the rains. However, its breeding goes into the rainy season. Their peak month is in March and October.

Females only incubate, normally 3-4 eggs in a cup-shaped nest lined with grass and feathers, normally sited near water. In settlements, the nest can be situated on buildings.

The African pied Wagtail is parasitized by the Red-chested Cuckoo and the Diederik Cuckoo.

Its chicks have been recorded as prey of Burchell’s Coucal

While bird watching in Kibale, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu region and also possibly in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

More Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Motacillidae

183. Cape Wagtail

184. Mountain Wagtail

185. Western Yellow Wagtail

186. Richard’s Pipit

187. African Pipit

188. Plain-backed Pipit

189. Yellow-throated Longclaw

A.xiii. Family: Viduidae

  1. Pin-tailed Whydah

General description: A Pin-tailed Whydah is a small gorgeous Songbird with an exclusive pennant-like tail in breeding males. Males are identified easily by their black backs and crown plus a very long black tail.

They’re about 12-13cm long. However, the breeding male’s tail adds more than 20cm to this.

Their wings are dark brown with white patches and have white underparts plus a short orange-pink bill.

Females have no long tail, they’ve streaked brown upperparts, white underparts with buff flanks, and a buff black face pattern. However, they hold an orange-pink bill.

Habitat: Usually, this Whydah is found in grasslands, scrubs, savannahs, and also possibly in gardens.

Diet: Seeds and grains make up the diet of this Whydah species.

Behavior: Males are territorial, having more than several females in the territory. During courtship, males normally have an amazing courtship display, involving hovering over the female, displaying the tail.

Reproduction:  The Pin-tailed Whydah is a brood parasite, laying its eggs in the nests of Estrildid finches, specifically Waxbills. It normally adds 2-4 white eggs to those already present.

The nestling whydahs mimic the gape pattern of the fledglings of the host species.

On a Uganda birding trip in Kibale, this bird can be spotted in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

The Other Kibale Bird In Order Passeriformes, Family Viduidae

191.     Village Indigobird

A.xiv. Family: Corvidae

  1. Piapiac

General appearance: A Piapiac is a beautiful African bird and the sole member of the Ptilostomus genus.

This magnificently slim, magpie-like bird has a long, tapering tail and a big bill.

It’s approximately 42cm and can weigh about 121-130g.

Adults feature shining black plumage and heavy black bills, and legs plus a bluish-purple Irish with a bluish-purple outer ring.

Immatures hold black-tipped pink bills.

Habitats: Usually, they’re spotted in open savannas with palms, and in cultivated areas, though also possible in rural villages.

In most cases, they’re found perched on treetops, and in flocks roving on the backs of mammals.

Habits: These birds are mostly encountered in flocks of over 10 birds roaming on the ground. Sometimes can be found riding on the back of an animal as they catch their prey.

Diet: Normally, they feed on insects and other invertebrates. Fruits at times can be eaten counting the oil palm fruit as the favorite.

Breeding: Usually, 3-7 pale blue eggs with few brown marks are laid by the female Piapiac in a Palm tree. However, other nesting spots can be used also. Breeding normally takes place between March- April.

On a birding trip in Kibale Forest, this lovely bird can be spotted in the Kanyanchu area.

Other Birds Of Kibale National Park In Order Passeriformes, Family Corvidae

193.     Pied Crow194.     White-necked Raven

A.xv. Family: Buphagidae

  1. Yellow-billed Oxpecker

Physical description: A Yellow-billed Oxpecker is a beautiful passerine bird belonging to the Buphagidae family.

It’s about 20cm long.

It holds a pale rump, buff underparts, and brown upper parts and heads. Note the sturdy feet and the bill that is red at the tip and yellow at the base.

Though much similar to the Red-billed Oxpeckers, Red-billed Oxpeckers have red bills, a yellow eye wattle, plus a dark rump.

Ecology: Normally, small flocks occur in savannas and farmlands, where they find large wild ungulates and domestic stock to feed on.

Diet: The Yellow-billed Oxpeckers specifically eat insects and ticks. But, their favourite food is blood. They’ve been recorded pecking at the mammal’s wounds until blood flows out.

Whatever the consequences, mammals normally tolerate Oxpeckers.

In a day, an adult can take more than 100 ticks or 13,000 larvae.

Behavior: Their habit of perching on huge wild beasts like Buffalos and Antelopes and feeding on parasitic arthropods gives them their name “Oxpeckers”.

Reproduction: Generally, the Yellow-billed Oxpecker lays about 2-3 eggs, usually in tree holes lined with hair plucked from livestock.

Non-breeding birds usually perch on their host animals at night.

In Kibale national forest, this Oxpecker can be spotted within the Kanyanchu region on rare occasions.

A.xvi. Family:  Sturnidae

  1. Rüppell’s Starling

Physical appearance: A Ruppel’s Starling is also known as the Ruppel’s glossy Starling. It’s a glossy, dark Starling with a big and relatively long tail.

Despite its black appearance, this bird is purple with green wings and a maroon belly when viewed in good light.

It can be confused with the Long-tailed Glossy Starling. However, it’s differentiated by its shorter tail and more intense overall pattern of purple.

Habitat: This Starling is usually spotted on the ground in small flocks, often in moist savannahs, gardens, and woodlands.

While on a Uganda birding expedition in Kibale National Park, it’s hardly missed within the Kanyanchu region.

More Kibale National Park Birds In The Order Of Passeriformes, Family Sturnidae

197. Wattled Starling

198. Purple Starling

199. Sharpe’s Starling

200. Violet-backed Starling

201. Slender-billed Starling

202. Chestnut-winged Starling

203. Waller’s Starling

204. Stuhlmann’s Starling

205. Purple-headed Starling

206. Splendid Starling

207. Lesser Blue-eared Starling

208. Greater Blue-eared Starling

209. Bronze-tailed Starling

210. Narrow-tailed Starling

A.xvii. Family: Ploceidae

  1. Slender-billed Weaver

General appearance: A Slender-billed Weaver is a beautiful small yellow Weaver (11cm long, approximately 10-16g), with an odd long and slender bill.

Breeding males have a clean black face mask and yellow underparts. Females have a clean, pale-yellow head, unlike other Weavers.

It’s confused with the Little Weaver. However, found in altered habitats, and has a much longer bill. Also, it’s separated from other weavers by its small size.

Ecology: It’s commonly found in wetlands and marches, usually in pairs or small groups and sometimes socializes with other weavers.

On your birding tour in Kibale, it can be spotted in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. Brown-capped Weaver

Physical appearance: A Brown-capped Weaver is a scarce spectacular black and yellow Weaver belonging to the family of Ploceidae.

It is about 14cm long and weighs approximately 26- 30g.

Both sexes have a brilliant yellow patch on the back. However, males have brown-capped heads and females have blackheads.

Although resembles the Preuss’s and Yellow-capped Weavers, males can be distinguished by their brown caps, while females by the blackheads.

Habitat: This Weaver is generally found in tropical montane forests, usually spotted in pairs and small flocks.

They forage by creeping on tree limbs like a Nuthatch.

If lucky, this Weaver can be spotted within the Kanyanchu expanse in Kibale National Park.

Mores Uganda Birds In Kibale Park In Order Passeriformes, Family Ploceidae

213. Red-headed Malimbe

214. White-browed Sparrow-Weaver

215. Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver

216. Red-bellied Malimbe

217. Crested Malimbe

218. Baglafecht Weaver

219. Little Weaver

220. Black-necked Weaver

221. Spectacled Weaver

222. Black-billed Weaver

223. Strange Weaver

224. Holub’s Golden-Weaver

225. Northern Brown-throated Weaver

226. Lesser Masked-Weaver

227. Vitelline Masked-Weaver

228. Vieillot’s Black Weaver

229. Village Weaver

230. Weyns’s Weaver

231. Marsh Widowbird


232. Golden-backed Weaver

233. Yellow-mantled Weaver

234. Maxwell’s Black Weaver

235. Forest Weaver

236. Compact Weaver

237. Cardinal Quelea

238. Red-headed Quelea

239. Red-billed Quelea

240. Northern Red Bishop

241. Southern Red Bishop

242. Black-winged Bishop

243. Black Bishop

244. Yellow-crowned Bishop

245. Yellow Bishop

246. White-winged Widowbird

247. Yellow-mantled Widowbird

248. Red-collared Widowbird

249. Fan-tailed Widowbird

250. Grosbeak Weaver

251. Black-headed Weaver

A.xvii. Family: Calyptomenidae

Below Is The Only Bird Of Kibale National Park In Order Passeriformes, Family Calyptomenidae

252. African Broadbill

A.xviii. Family: Campephagidae

A Table Showing Birds Of Kibale In Order Passeriformes, Family Campephagidae

253. Gray Cuckooshrike Black Cuckooshrike

254. Petit’s Cuckooshrike

255. Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike

256. Purple-throated Cuckooshrike

A.ixx. Family:  Oriolidae

Here are the Birds of Kibale National park in Order Passeriformes, Family Oriolidae

257. African Golden Oriole

258. Western Black-headed Oriole

259. African Black-headed Oriole

260. Black-tailed Oriole

261. Black-winged Oriole

A.xx. Family: Platysteiridae

Kibale National Park Birds in Order of Passeriformes, Family Platysteiridae

262. Brown-throated Wattle-eye

263. Black-throated Wattle-eye

264. Chestnut Wattle-eye

265. Jameson’s Wattle-eye

266. Chinspot Batis

267. Western Black-headed Batis

A.xxi. Family: Dicruridae

The Birds Of Kibale In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Dicruridae

268. Fork-tailed Drongo269. Velvet-mantled Drongo

A.xxii. Family: Monarchidae

Kibale National Park Birds In Order Passeriformes, Family Monarchidae

270. Blue-headed Crested-Flycatcher

271. African Crested-Flycatcher

272. Black-headed Paradise-Flycatcher

273. African Paradise-Flycatcher

A.xxiii. Family: Laniidae

Kibale National Park Uganda Birds In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Laniidae

274. Red-backed Shrike

275. Isabelline Shrike

276. Lesser Gray Shrike

277. Grey-backed Fiscal

278. Mackinnon’s Shrike

279. Northern Fiscal

280. Woodchat Shrike- Near-threatened

281. White-rumped Shrike

A.xxiv. Family: Hyliotidae

Kibale National Forest Park Bird In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Hyliotidae

282. Yellow-bellied Hyliota

A.xxv. Family: Paridae

Uganda Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Paridae

283. Dusky Tit

A.xxvi. Family:  Remizidae

Kibale Forest Birds In Order Passeriformes, Family Remizidae

284. African Penduline-Tit

A.xxvii. Family: Macrosphenidae

Birds Of Kibale Park In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Macrosphenidae

285. Green Crombec

286. White-browed Crombec

287. Northern Crombec

288. Red-faced Crombec

289. Moustached Grass-Warbler

290. Yellow Longbill

291. Gray Longbill

292. Green Hylia

293. Tit-hylia

A.xxviii. Family: Alaudidae

Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Alaudidae

294. Rufous-napped Lark

295. Flappet Lark

296. White-tailed Lark

297. Red-capped Lark

 A.xxix. Family: Acrocephalidae

Kibale National Park Birds In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Acrocephalidae

298. African Yellow-Warbler

299. Sedge Warbler

300. Common Reed Warbler

301. Lesser Swamp Warbler

302. Greater Swamp Warbler

A.xxx. Family: Locustellidae

Uganda Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Locustellidae

303. Fan-tailed Grassbird

304. White-winged Swamp Warbler

305. Highland Rush Warbler

A.xxxi. Family: Hirundinidae

Uganda Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Passeriformes, Family Hirundinidae

306. Banded Martin

307. Rock Martin

308. Barn Swallow

309. Plain Martin

310. Bank Swallow

311. Angola Swallow

312. Wire-tailed Swallow

313. Red-rumped Swallow

314. Lesser Striped Swallow

315. Rufous-chested Swallow

316. Mosque Swallow

317. Common House-Martin

318. White-headed Sawing

319. Black Sawwing

320. Gray-rumped Swallow

A.xxxii. Family: Phylloscopidae

Kibale Birds In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Phylloscopidae

321. Wood Warbler

322. Willow Warbler

323. Red-faced Woodland-Warbler

324. Uganda Woodland-Warbler

A.xxxiii Family: Sylviidae

Uganda Birds In Kibale Park In Order Passeriformes, Family Sylviidae

325. Garden Warbler

A.xxxiv Family: Zosteropidae

Kibale National Park Birds In Order Of Passeriformes, Family Zosteropidae

326. Green White-eye327. Northern Yellow White-eye

A.xxxv. Family: Pellorneidae

Uganda Kibale National Park Birds In Order Passeriformes, Family  Pellorneidae

328. Brown Illadopsis

329. Pale-breasted Illadopsis

330. Scaly-breasted Illadopsis

331. Puvel’s Illadopsis

A.xxxvi. Family: Leiothrichidae

Birds Of Kibale In Order Passeriformes, Family Leiothrichidae

332. Brown Babbler

333. Arrow-marked Babbler

334. Black-lored Babbler


A.xxxvii. Family: Passeridae

Kibale Birds In Order Passeriformes, Family Leiothrichidae

335. House Sparrow Passer336. Northern Gray-headed Sparrow

A.xxxviii. Family:  Emberizidae

Uganda Birds Of Kibale In Order Passeriformes, Family Emberizidae

337. Golden-breasted Bunting338. Cinnamon-breasted Bunting

B. Order: Musophagiformes

B.i. Family: Musophagidae   

  1. Great Blue Turaco

Physical description: Unquestionably, the Great Blue Turaco is one of the most beautiful birds in Uganda.

Its’ the largest Turaco species measuring about 70-76cm long, and weighing approximately 800-1,231g.

This Turaco is easier identified by its tall black crest, red and yellow bill, plus black bars at the end of the tail. It features a grey-blue upper part, a white chin, a yellow-green lower breast, and a yellow belly that darkens to chestnut brown posteriorly.

Habitat: Normally, this adorable Turaco is spotted in rainforests, lush secondary habitats and gallery forests. But, it can be found in areas around humans.

Behaviors: It’s highly social, normally spotted in groups of over 6-7 individuals.

Diet: Generally, it forages on leaves, flowers, plus fruits of numerous plant species.

Reproduction: The Great blue Turaco nests in tree canopies, usually above 8-25m from the ground using sticks.

Females usually lay 3-4 eggs and incubation is done by both sexes, taking about 29-31 days.

While bird watching in Kibale Forest, this lovely Turaco is most spotted in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary. But, it’s also possible during Kanyanchu nature walks.

  1. Black-billed Turaco

Physical description: The Black-billed Turaco is an adorable medium-sized green crested Turaco, 40cm long and weighs about 199- 272g.

Please note that adults are similar to the Green Turaco. But, are identified by their small all-black bill and rounded whitish crest.

Just like other Turacos, it also displays large crimson wing patches while in flight.

Habitat: This nice-looking Turaco is mostly found in the rainforest and gallery forest.

Behaviors: Normally, it acts like a typical Turaco, bouncing through trees, and flying occasionally with short bursts of wing beats and long slides.

Reproduction: Usually, females lay 2 eggs in branch platforms, around 3-5m above the ground. Both males and females share incubation duties.

It can be spotted during nature walks in the Kanyanchu area of Kibale National Park Uganda.

  1. White-Crested Turaco

Physical appearance: A White-crested Turaco is a striking Turaco featuring a greenback and underparts.

Note its dark blue wings and a tail plus a prominent white head and a black spot over the eyes. Like all Turacos, it also displays crimson wing patches in flight.

It’s identified from other Turacos by its distinctive white crest.

Habitat: This magnificent Turaco mostly inhabits forests alongside rivers and woody savannahs, usually where there’re tangled masses of creepers.

It can also be spotted in hilly habitats up to an altitude of about 2,200m a.s.l.

Diet: The White-crested Turaco mostly forages on berries and fruits. However, flowers and invertebrates such as snails can be eaten too.

Reproduction: Their breeding season varies greatly across the range. It’s in April in Congo and August in Uganda, usually in a frail, saucer-shaped structure.

In Kibale National Park, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area though, on rare occasions.

  1. Ross’s Turaco

A Ross’s Turaco is a stunning African bird belonging to the Musophagidae family.

Physical appearance: It’s a striking purple Turaco with a vivid yellow face and bill as well as a red crest. In flight, it displays vivid crimson wing patches.

This Turaco is about 15-18 inches and weighs less than one pound.

Habitat: Generally, it avoids forested areas therefore, they’re usually found on forest borders.

Diet: They mostly consume fruits, flowers, and seeds of both cultivated and wild plants. However, small insects like termites and snails can be opted for during the brooding season.

Behavior: Just like other Turaco, this Turaco also bounces through trees, flying occasionally with short bursts of wing beats and long slithers.

Reproduction: A Ross’s Turaco is monogamous. Females mostly lay 2-3 eggs and both sexes are responsible for incubation, lasting for about 25 days.

It’s considered a very sturdy bird capable of living about 8- 20 years. However, the life span can vary.

In Kibale Forest, this Turaco can be spotted within the Kanyanchu zone.

  1. Bare-faced Go-away-bird

General appearance: The Bare-faced go-away bird is an extraordinary and uncommon grey Turaco, dubbed after its unusual bare black face.

It’s about 48cm long from beak to tail and weighs roughly 210-300g.

Its head and breast are white, and it has a bushy crest.

Note its naked black face, white collar, and lack of white wings towards the tail.

Although it resembles the White-bellied go-away-bird and the Eastern Plantain-eater, it can be distinguished.

Ecology: This bird is mostly found in open woodland, thickets and cultivation areas with scattered trees.

Behavior: Generally, it’s a noisy and restless bird species, which moves either singly or in groups. However, groups are common. Its call is a double or repetitive kow-kow.

In Kibale, this Turaco species can be spotted during nature walks in the nearby Bigodi wetland.

  1. Eastern Plantain-eater

General appearance: The Eastern Plantain-eater is a common grey Turaco with a long tail and bushy crest. While in flight, its tail displays white sides, and its outer wings hold white bars.

This amazing Turaco is about 50cm long including a long tail and can weigh over 392-737g.

Though somewhat similar to the White-bellied go-away-bird, you can distinguish them apart by their darker bellies and yellowish bills.

Habitat: It’s commonly spotted in small groups, often in savanna habitats shrubby cultivation areas and also in open woodlands.

Commonly, they’re found in pairs or small loud and vocal small groups.

On your birding tour in Uganda Kibale NP, it’s rarely missed along the Kanyanchu trail and in the nearby Bigodi wetland.

C. Order: Coraciiformes

C.i. Family: Meropidae

  1. Black Bee-eater

Physical appearance: A Black Bee-eater is a beautiful species of bird in the Meropidae family. This fine-looking little bee-eater (about 20cm long) mostly dwells at the edges of rainforests and in secondary woodlands.

It appears entirely black from a distance. Yet in good light, it features a scarlet throat.

Note its blue eyebrow, blue belly, blue undertail, and chest spots.

Habitat: This Bee-eater can be found in the forest however, also possible along the forest edges.

While birding in Kibale National Park, this Bee-eater can be spotted along the Kanyanchu trail.

  1. Blue-Headed Bee-Eater

Physical appearance: A Blue-headed Bee-eater is a little colourful bird species (about 19cm long) in the family Meropidae.

This spectacular bee-eater is easily identified by its dark brown back and wings. The remaining parts are mostly ultramarine blue counting the bluish to blue-purple head.

They have a scarlet chin and upper throat with a black margin. In the poor light in the interior of the forest, it can be confused with the black bee-eater.

Ecology: It’s typically an Albertine rift endemic bird.

Often found in the forest interior and along forest edges perched high in the canopy beside tracks and clearings. Usually, spotted singly, though at times in pairs and triads.

Diet: It commonly dives down for honeybees, small butterflies plus other insects before returning to its original perch.

In Kibale, this Bee-eater can be spotted along the Kanyanchu Chimpanzee Trail if lucky.

  1. Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater

Physical description: A Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater is a medium-sized gorgeous bird (about 22cm long and weighs over 17-38g) with beautiful rufous underparts.

This Bee-eater has a green head, upper body, and tail, with a yellow throat and chin, divided from the cinnamon-brown breast by a black strike.

When viewed from the front, their blackish tail has a white tip and a yellow base.

It can be confused with the Little and Blue-breasted Bee-eaters. However, it’s much bigger and richly coloured below.

Habitat: These birds live in highlands ranging from 1,800-2,300m a.s.l. However, they can be found in woodlands, forest edges, clearings, and gardens.

Most times, they’re spotted resting high in open areas in small flocks.

Diet: Their diet normally comprises honeybees though moths, butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, and other flying insects are eaten also.

On your Uganda birding safari in Kibale, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Little Bee-eater

General appearance: The Little Bee-eater is a charming Passerine bird species in the Meropidae family.

It’s about 15-17cm long thus, the smallest African Bee-eater.

Like all Bee-eaters, this slim bird has an adorable colouring, easily recognized by its black gorget and yellow throat.

This bird has a rich brown upper breast that turns yellowish-brown on the belly and green upper sections. Its bill is black, and its wings are green and brown.

Ecology and Diet: Usually, they breed in open areas with bushes, mostly near water. Unlike several Bee-eaters, these are solitary nesters, making tunnels in sand banks, or at times in the entrance to Aardvark dens.

In most times, they’re spotted resting communally, lined up on a tree branch.

Diet: Just like its name suggests, it eats bees. However, wasps and hornets are also caught in the air from the open perch. Before enjoying its catch, it normally removes the sting by repetitive hitting the insect on a hard surface.

Reproduction: They lay 4-6 white eggs and both sexes take care of the eggs.

On your birding safari in Kibale, these birds are rarely missed during nature walks in the neighbouring Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

Other Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Coraciiformes, Family Meropidae

349. Red-throated Bee-eater

350. Blue-breasted Bee-eater

351. European Bee-eater

352. Swallow-tailed Bee-eater

353. White-throated Bee-eater

354. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater

355. Madagascar Bee-eater

C.ii. Family: Coraciidae

  1. Broad-billed Roller

Physical appearance: A Broad-billed Roller is a magnificent little, dark rufous-cinnamon roller with a bright yellow bill.

It’s about 29-30cm in length.

This bird has a small Falcon-like appearance when flying, but take note of its rolling movement.

Habitat: Normally, it dwells in savannas, broadleaved woodlands, riverine forests, and on the borders of rainforests. Mostly spotted in pairs sitting on tall bare snags preferably near water.

Behavior and diet: These Rollers are inactive most of the day, apart from chasing intruders. In the late afternoon, they hunt for swarming ants and termites on which they feed at times in groups of 100 individuals.

Broad-billed Rollers drink like Swallows, dipping their beaks into the water.

Reproduction: They lay about 2-3 eggs usually in an unlined hole in a tree cavity.

While bird watching in Kibale National Park, this lovely bird can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Blue-throated Roller

General description: The Blue-Throated Roller is a large-billed Roller measuring about 25cm in length and about 82-117.5g weight on average.

This stunning Roller has a chestnut brown body, a bright blue neck patch, a rich yellow bill, a blue tail, and purple-blue wings.

Although it can be mistaken for the Broad-Billed Roller, its blue throat and darker body help to distinguish it.

Habitat: This Roller enjoys resting on branches in the canopy of primary and secondary rainforests plus gallery forests. Most of the time, they enjoy clearings, riversides and enormous emergent trees.

Behavior and diet: The Blue-throated Roller often sits for long periods in the canopy or a tree branch overlooking the clearing.

When active, this Roller hawks for insects in the air acrobatically and violently defends its territory from other bird species.

Usually, in the evenings, these birds gather in small flocks, to feed on ants and termites which emerge after rainfall.

One roller can eat over 700 insects weighing 40g.

Reproduction: Usually, this Roller lays about 2-3 eggs in the unlined cavity of a tree trunk. Their nest is generally set about 10m up the trunk of a tree on the edge of a clearing.

While bird watching in Kibale Forest, this Roller can be encountered during nature walks in the Kanyanchu region.

The Other Birds In Kibale Forest In Order Coraciiformes, Family Coraciidae

358. Lilac-breasted Roller359. European Roller

C.iii. Family: Alcedinidae

  1. Malachite Kingfisher

Physical description: A Malachite Kingfisher is a colourful tiny Kingfisher about 13cm in length. This colourful bird has a small black crest and brilliant blue upper parts, but its bright orange underparts stand out.

Note its vivid red legs, the reddish-orange bill, and the white patches on the throat and sides of the back of the neck.

Habitat: The majority of sightings of this species occur in wet environments like lakes, rivers, streams, and rice paddies.

Behaviors: It often pauses for a considerable amount of time before diving into the water to clutch its prey. In most cases, it drops swiftly with a splash and often returns at once with a struggling captive.

Diet: Mostly small fish, crustaceans and insects are taken. Fish is usually lifted and carried by its middle. However, its position is changed, at times by tossing it into the air, before its swallowed head downwards.

Reproduction: This bird usually lays 3-4 eggs in a tunnel of the sand bank over water.

In Kibale national forest, this bird is rarely missed while on nature walks in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. Pied Kingfisher

Physical description: A Pied Kingfisher is a gorgeous species of Kingfisher (25cm long) easily identified by its black and white striped plumage. Note also its small bushy crest, and a silky dark bill.

While females have a single gorget that’s typically broken in the middle, males have two bands across their breasts.

Habitation: This Kingfisher can be seen in a variety of habitats, especially near water, mostly spotted in pairs or small groups.

Behavior: It mostly hunts by hovering over the water to detect prey, before diving vertically to capture it.

Diet: Fish is its main diet. However, crustaceans and big aquatic insects like dragonfly larvae are eaten also.

Reproduction: Usually, they breed in February- April, laying 3-6 white eggs in a tunnel excavated in a vertical mud bank about 5ft above the water.

In Kibale Uganda, this bird can be spotted during guided nature walks in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. Giant Kingfisher

Physical appearance: The Giant Kingfisher is the largest species of Kingfishers in Africa measuring about 42-46cm long.

It’s easily unmistakable due to its distinctive huge, bushy crest, a big dark beak, and tiny white patches on the black upper parts.

Females have a black breast band with white spots and a chestnut belly while males have a chestnut breast band.

Habitat: They’re often seen in pairs around freshwater areas like rivers, lakes, and swamps.

Diet: Forages mostly on fish, crabs & frogs. Most are caught by diving from a perch.

Reproduction: Giant Kingfishers are monogamous and solitary breeders. Usually, they nest along River banks a long horizontal tunnel of about 2m long. It’s excavated by both sexes using their feet and bills.

This bird can be spotted during nature walks in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. Blue-Breasted Kingfisher

Physical appearance: A Blue-breasted Kingfisher is a relatively large colourful tree Kingfisher, about 25cm long.

Its prominent feature is the blue-breasted chest. Mature ones have a bright blue head, back, wing panel and tail and white underparts plus black shoulders.

Their large bill features a red upper and black lower mandible. Please, also note their bright red legs.

Territory: Usually, it’s found in rainforests, gallery forests, and thick woodlands, often in the mid-story and sub canopy.

Behavior: This Kingfisher roosts quietly in deep shade while seeking food. It’s territorial, however, wary and usually detected by voice.

Nutrition: It mostly hunts large insects, fish, frogs, and arthropods. But, can also eat the fruit of the oil palm.

 Reproduction: Usually, their nest is a hole in a tree termite nest where females lay 2 white eggs.

It can be mistaken with the Woodland Kingfisher. However, the Blue-breasted Kingfisher is larger, has a black patch on the back, blue breasts, a black line behind the eye, and prefers thicker habitats.

It can be spotted along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

  1. Woodland Kingfisher

Physical description: A Woodland Kingfisher is a magnificent electric-blue-backed Kingfisher having a bicoloured beak that’s red above and black below.

It’s a medium-sized Kingfisher, about 23cm in length.

Excluding the Blue-breasted Kingfisher, which has a pale-blue breast band and prefers thicker rainforests, the majority of Kingfishers in Africa have consistent red to orange bills.

Habitat: Though it’s a “Kingfisher”, it mostly prefers drier habitats, though can be spotted along riverine forests, and forest edges.

Behavior: It’s usually solitary however, can be spotted in small groups sometimes.

Diet: Usually, this Kingfisher hunts from an exposed perch, mostly on dead tree branches. However, it’s possible also in a semi-shade.

Reproduction: It lays about 3 white eggs, usually in tree holes excavated by Woodpeckers or Barbets. Both sexes care for the juveniles for about 5 weeks after leaving the nest.

While bird watching in Uganda Kibale National Park, this bird can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Grey-headed Kingfisher

Physical appearance: A Grey-headed Kingfisher is a nice-looking medium-sized Kingfisher having a chestnut belly, an ashy-grey head and breasts. Note its sapphire blue tail, flight fluffs and sharp crimson bill.

Ecology: This Kingfisher is commonly spotted in dry and damp woodlands, particularly near water, usually solitary or in pairs. Unlike other Kingfishers, the Grey-headed Kingfisher is not aquatic.

Habits: It’s seen commonly perched on branches, immobile for long periods while watching the ground for insects and small lizards, bobbing head before diving on prey.

Reproduction: Females usually lay 2 eggs in tunnels (nets) constructed on the cliffs of river banks. Aggressively, they protect their nests by repeated dive-bombing of foraging monitor lizards. It’s parasitized by the Greater Honeyguide.

During your birding tour in Kibale, it can be spotted in the Kanyanchu region and also possibly in the nearby Bigodi wetland.

  1. Chocolate-backed Kingfisher

A Chocolate-backed Kingfisher is a spectacular ventriloquial forest Kingfisher that’s more frequently heard than seen. This bird spends most of its time perched in the subcanopy.

Physical description: The most prominent feature of this bird is its blood-red bill, white underparts, chocolate-brown upperparts, and vivid blue wing patches and tail.

Ecology: This Kingfisher is usually spotted in the primary and secondary lowland rain forests. It’s not associated with water.

Behavior: The Chocolate-backed Kingfisher often spends much of its time perched up in trees overlooking a clearing. It frequently flies from the perch to catch its prey in the air or drops from the roost onto the prey on the ground.

Usually, they construct their nests in the earth nests of the arboreal termites, about 4-5m above the forest floor.

Diet: Insects such as grasshoppers and beetles are mostly eaten. However, numerous invertebrates plus small lizards are taken also.

Though this Kingfisher is rarely spotted in Kibale National Park, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area, if lucky.

Other Kibale National Park Birds In Order Coraciiformes, Family Alcedinidae

367. Shining-blue Kingfisher

368. White-bellied Kingfisher

369. African Pygmy Kingfisher

370. African Dwarf Kingfisher

371. Striped Kingfisher

B. Order: Galliformes

D.i. Family: Phasianidae

  1. Nahan’s Francolinendangered

Also called the Nahan’s Partridge, the Nahan’s Francolin is an unusual Francolin endemic to Kibale National Park.

General appearance: This lovely Francolin is small (about 25cm in length) and very dark, with a thick tail that’s commonly skewed up.

In light, it reveals red legs, red bare skin around the eyes, and bright white markings on the breast and neck.

It looks like Latham’s Francolin. However, identified by its partly red bill, red bare facial skin, and red rather than yellow legs.

Also, similar to the Scaly Francolin. However, smaller with red bare facial skin and bright white markings below.

Habitat: The Nahan’s Francolin is mostly terrestrial, usually spotted in pairs or small groups on the ground of rainforest.

On your birding trip in Uganda Kibale national park, it can be spotted along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

More Birds In Kibale Park In Order Galliformes, Family Phasianidae

373. Crested Francolin

374. Ring-necked Francolin

375. Scaly Spurfowl

376. Heuglin’s Spurfowl

377. Red-necked Spurfowl


D.ii. Family: Numididae  

  1. Helmeted Guineafowl

Physical appearance: A Helmeted Guinea Fowl is a stunning slaty-grey bird with a small head and a huge round body.

This Guinea fowl is about 53-58cm long and can weigh approximately 1.3kg.

It’s perfectly clothed in a grey-black plumage with white streaks. Just like other Guinea fowls, this bird has a bare head skin decorated in red, blue, or black color.

Note its lovely dull yellow or reddish bony casque on the bare head.

The relatively similar Crested Guinea fowl is easily identified from this Fowl due to its darker coloring and a crest on top of its head.

Ecology: Usually, they are spotted in fairly dry and open habitations with scattered shrubs and trees, especially in savannas or farmlands.

Behavior:  Helmeted Guinea fowls are highly social species, often found in flocks ranging over 25 individuals. They’re mostly terrestrial and normally run rather than fly when alarmed.

Diet: Generally, their diet comprises plant and animal foods. In non- breeding season, they consume seeds, tubers, and corn, specifically of agricultural weeds, and those from various agricultural crop spillages.

In breeding season, 80% of their diet consists of invertebrates, mostly arthropods like beetles.

Reproduction: Normally, females lay 6-12 eggs and the incubation can take about 26-28 days most common in the summer season.

Holding other factors constant, this Guinea fowl can live for about 12 years in the wild.

In Kibale National Park, this fowl can be spotted during Kanyanyu walks, if lucky.

The Other Bird In Kibale Forest In Order Of Galliformes, Family Numididae

379. Crested Guineafowl

D.iii. Family: Odontophoridae

Kibale Birds In Order Galliformes, Family Odontophoridae

380. Nahan’s Partridge

E. Order: Gruiformes

E.i. Family:  Gruidae 

  1. Grey Crowned-Crane- Endangered

A Grey crowned-Crane is also called the Golden Crested Crane, the national bird of Uganda.

General appearance: It’s about 1m tall, and can weigh over 3.5kg. Its wingspan is over 2m and its body plumage is mostly grey.

This beautiful bird of Uganda holds a dazzling black-and-white face, a vibrant red throat pouch, and a crown of golden-yellow plumes.

They can be confused with the Black Crowned-Crane which has a slaty-grey coloration, smaller red facial wattles, plus red-and-white cheek patches.

Ecology: These birds can be spotted singly or in pairs and also in flocks usually, in flooded grasslands, wetlands and marshes.

Diet: They’re primarily omnivores feeding on grains, insects, frogs, worms, snakes, small fish and the eggs of aquatic animals.

Behavior: These spectacular birds have an amazing breeding display which involves dancing, bowing, and jumping. Both sexes dance, and normally infants join the adults.

Dancing is an integral part of courtship. However, it can be done all time of the year.

Reproduction: They breed all year round, but most frequently in the dry season. Usually, females lay 2-5 glossy, dirty-white eggs. Incubation is done by both sexes taking about 28-31 days.

On a Uganda birding tour in Kibale, this bird can be spotted in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

F. Order: Accipitriformes

F.i. Family: Accipitridae

  1. Crowned EagleNear-threatened

Physical appearance: Also called the African Crowned Eagle (Crowned Hawk-Eagle). The Crowned Eagle is a large boldly-marked crested Eagle having a long tail and broad wings, resembling a massive Goshawk.

It weighs over 3-4kg on average and can reach 80- 99cm in length, thus, ranking the 5th longest extant eagle in the world.

Adults have barred black-and-white underparts plus a variable rufous wash across the breast. Pale immatures have a creamy-tan underwing.

Habitat and diet: It’s usually found in thicker woodlands and river riverine forests hunting small mammals like monkeys and other vertebrates.

Reproduction: This eagle holds the most prolonged breeding cycles of any bird. They breed once (usually a pair) every after 2 years.

In Kibale Forest, this Eagle can be spotted in the sky or resting in trees in the Kanyanchu area.

The Other Birds In Kibale National Forest In The Order Of Accipitriformes, Family Accipitridae

383. Long-crested Eagle

384. Martial Eagle- Endangered

385. Tawny Eagle- Vulnerable

386. Black-winged Kite

387. African Fish-Eagle

388. Brown Snake-Eagle

389. Banded Snake-Eagle

390. Palm-nut Vulture

391. African Harrier-Hawk

392. European Honey-buzzard

393. African Cuckoo-Hawk

394. White-headed Vulture- Critically endangered

395. Hooded Vulture- Critically endangered

396. White-backed Vulture- Critically endangered

397. Rüppell’s Griffon- Critically endangered

398. Bateleur- Endangered

399. Black-chested Snake-Eagle

400. Booted Eagle

401. Wahlberg’s Eagle

402. Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle

403. Cassin’s Hawk-Eagle

404. African Hawk-Eagle

405. Lizard Buzzard

406. Dark Chanting-Goshawk

407. Gabar Goshawk

408. Grasshopper Buzzard

409. Eurasian Marsh-Harrier

410. African Marsh-Harrier

411. Montagu’s Harrier

412. African Goshawk

413. Shikra

414. Little Sparrowhawk

415. Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk

416. Black Goshawk

417. Black Kite

418. Common Buzzard

419. Mountain Buzzard- Near-threatened

420. Augur Buzzard

421. Bat Hawk


G. Order: Piciformes

G.i. Family: Lybiidae      

  1. Yellow-billed Barbet

General appearance: The Yellow-billed Barbet is a colorful bird species in the Lybiidae family.

Its distinct feature is the bright yellow bill.

This Barbet features a dark head, back, and tail, plus a vivid yellow belly.

Due to geographical variations, the throat of some species can vary from dark blue-purple to lavender depending on the subspecies.

Ecology: This Barbet can be spotted in the forest and also along the edges of the forest.

On your birding Uganda safari in the Kibale, you can spot it within the Kanyanchu expanse.

  1. Double-toothed Barbet

Physical appearance: A Double-toothed Barbet is a colorful bird species in the family Lybiidae. This colorful Barbet is easily identified by its black and red colouring.

Note the huge ivory-colored bill and yellow skin around the eyes.

This Barbet is black on the top side of its body with a patch of white feathers on its back. Its breast is red, with a white patch on its side.

It can be confused with the Bearded Barbet, however, identified by the lack of a black chest band. Also, distinguished from the almost similar Black-breasted Barbet by the red rather than black chest.

Habitat and diet: Generally, it’s found in the understory of a dense forest. However, sometimes can be seen on the edges of the woods, riparian forests, and secondary forests. Some may even visit gardens and forage for fruits and insects like ants and termites.

Usually, they’re found in pairs or small groups.

Reproduction: Females breed all year round and usually lay about 2-4 white eggs. The hatching takes about 13 days.

Though similar to the Black-breasted Barbet, the Double-toothed Barbet features a red chest.

This Barbet can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area and also possibly in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. Yellow-spotted Barbet

A Yellow-spotted Barbet is a spectacular medium-sized Barbet, truly unmistakable.

General description: It’s mostly black with a red patch on the forehead, and a pale yellow strip behind the eye.

Note its heavy yellow streaks on the back and belly.

Somehow similar to the Hairy-breasted Barbet. But, it’s smaller with a smaller bill and a red forehead.

Habitat: Usually, it’s found at low and middle elevations in humid forests.

In Kibale forest Uganda, it can be spotted during Kanyanchu nature walks.

  1. Red-fronted Barbet

General appearance: A Red-fronted Barbet is medium-sized, colourful, black-and-white barbet.

Its white eyebrow and breast, as well as the vivid red patch above its bill, make this gorgeous bird easy to recognize.

There’s no red spot above the bill on young birds. Geographically, the underpart spot differs.

Though a bit similar to the Spot-flanked and Black-throated Barbets, it lacks a black throat patch.

Ecology: This bird is frequently seen in savannas and dry woods.

On your Uganda birding expedition in the Kibale Forest, it can be encountered within the Kanyanchu region.

  1. Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird

Physical appearance: The Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird is a small beautiful black-and-white Barbet in the family Lybiidae.

This bird is identified by its bold white stripes on the face and a yellow to gold rump which varies geographically.

Though similar to the Yellow-throated Tinkerbird, its facial marking is white-not yellow and lacks a yellow throat.

Habitat: Normally, it’s found in forests and thick woodlands.

On your birding safari in Uganda Kibale National Park, you can spot it in the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Red-rumped Tinkerbird

Habitat: A Red-rumped Tinkerbird is a small Barbet found mostly in forests and forest edges.

Physical appearance: Generally, it appears larger compared to other Tinkerbirds. It features yellow underparts, a yellowish moustache, and black top parts that contrast with the yellow wing feather edges.

This bird’s rump is bright red when viewed from the appropriate angle.

This beautiful Tinkerbird can be mistaken as a Yellow-rumped and Yellow-throated Tinkerbird. However, can be distinguished by its more yellowish underparts and bright red rump.

Ecology: Though it usually lives in tree canopies, it can occasionally be seen lower, down near the ground in thick vegetation.

On your Uganda birding tours in Kibale Forest, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Yellow-throated Tinkerbird

Physical appearance: A Yellow-throated Tinkerbird is a lovely tiny Barbet. Regardless of its name, the golden throat is not often visible.

This bird has black upperparts and creamy under parts, along with a noticeable white moustache.

It holds a tiny golden rump when viewed from above. Note that western species can exhibit a yellowish throat.

This bird can be confused with the Yellow-rumped or Red-rumped Tinkerbird. Though, among the western species, it can be distinguished by its bicoloured appearance and yellowish throat.

Habitat: Frequently seen in woodlands and around forest margins.

In Kibale Forest, it can be spotted during nature walks within the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird

Physical description: The Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird is a little Barbet (about 11cm long) with a noticeable yellow-gold patch on the forehead.

It has lemon-coloured underparts and extensively speckled and marbled upper parts.

The Red-fronted Tinkerbird, which sports a vivid red “not a yellow-gold” forehead patch, might be mistaken for this bird.

Habitat: These birds are typically seen in pairs in broadleaved woodlands, montane forests, and dry savannas, generally in fruiting trees.

Diet: Their diet consists of insects and fruits. Normally, Mistletoe fruits are swallowed whole.

Reproduction: This Tinkerbird often lays 2-3 matt white eggs in a nest, usually dug in a dead tree branch, 2-5m from the ground. Both parents take care of the juveniles.

The nests usually don’t survive a season and may be taken by larger species of Barbet.

While birding in Uganda Kibale National Park, this bird can be spotted in the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Red-Faced Barbet- Near-threatened

General appearance: The Red-Faced Barbet is typically a black Barbet having a distinctive crimson face. Also, take note of the white border at the wing’s base.

It’s one of the smaller Lybius species, about 17cm in length.

Although it resembles the Black-billed Barbet, they don’t share the same range and lack the redneck and white margins on the top of the wing.

Habitat: This bird is commonly spotted in pairs or small groups and can be found in woodlands, cultivated areas, and gallery forests.

On a birding safari in Uganda’s Kibale national forest, this gorgeous bird can be spotted along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

  1. White-headed Barbet

General appearance: A White-headed Barbet is a spectacular medium-sized black and white Barbet of the Lybiidae family.

It’s the largest species in the genus, about 18-19.5cm long.

Its wings may be fully black or highly white-spotted. The underparts may be entirely white or all-black with tiny white stripes. Both black and white are possible for its tail.

Habitat: This Barbet can be spotted in open savannas and lush forests close to water, mostly seen in fig trees, usually in small groups.

In Kibale Uganda, you can encounter it during nature walks within the Kanyanchu region.

  1. Black-billed Barbet

General appearance: A Black-billed Barbet is a lovely member of the Lybiidae family. It’s a small, black Barbet with a recognizable redhead.

If you look closely, you can see the pale borders on the wing feathers of this bird.

This bird resembles the Red-faced Barbet. However, their range differs, and you can tell the difference by the more widespread red on its head.

Habitat: It’s often found in pairs or small flocks in woodlands, scrubs, and areas of intermediate elevation with fruiting trees.

In most cases, they live in pairs or small groups of up to 7 individuals.

Diet: Its diet typically consists of fruits like guavas, figs, papaya and several berries. They can also eat insects such as ants, termites and beetles.

This Barbet in Kibale can be spotted during nature walks in the Kanyanchu region.

  1. Speckled Tinkerbird

The Speckled Tinkerbird is a large-billed Tinkerbird inhabiting woodlands and forest margins.

Physical appearance: It has olive green above and yellow green below, with scalloped top parts and speckled underparts.

This Tinkerbird is distinct from the others because it lacks prominent facial markings.

This bird can be encountered during guided nature walks within the Kanyanchu area.

Other Birds In Kibale National Park In the Order Of Piciformes, Family Lybiidae

434. Red-fronted Tinkerbird

435. Grey-throated Barbet

436. Hairy-breasted Barbet

437. Spot-flanked Barbet

H. Order: Piciformes

H.i. Family:  Picidae

  1. Brown-eared Woodpecker

The Brown-eared Woodpecker is an attractive bird species in the family Picidae.

Physical appearance: This Woodpecker has dark olive green upperparts and a glossy-brown ear patch. Its underparts are heavily marked with yellowish spots.

Only males have a small red patch on the back of the head.

More similar to the Buff-spotted Woodpecker but, identified by its glossy-brown ear patch.

Habitat: Generally, this Woodpecker is native to the African tropical rainforest with hanging lianas and thick regrowth. It can also be found in riverine forests, and plantations, and also possibly in open locations with grassy woodlands.

Diet: Normally it’s a somewhat shy bird, and forages for ants and other small invertebrates in the vines and understory.

In Kibale Forest, this Woodpecker can be spotted during nature walks along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

More Kibale National Park Birds In Order Of Piciformes, Family Picidae

439. Cardinal Woodpecker

440. Bearded Woodpecker

441. Nubian Woodpecker

442. Olive Woodpecker Rufous-necked Wryneck

443. Elliot’s Woodpecker


444. Brown-backed Woodpecker

445. African Grey Woodpecker

446. Buff-spotted Woodpecker

447. Tullberg’s Woodpecker

448. Golden-tailed Woodpecker

449. Speckle-breasted Woodpecker

450. Golden-crowned Woodpecker

H.ii. Family: Indicatoridae

Kibale National Park Birds In Order Piciformes, Family Indicatoridae

451. Cassin’s Honeyguide

452. Wahlberg’s Honeyguide

453. Zenker’s Honeyguide

454. Dwarf Honeyguide

455. Willcocks’s Honeyguide     Indicator

456. Least Honeyguide

457. Lesser Honeyguide

458. Scaly-throated Honeyguide

459. Greater Honeyguide


I. Order: Psittaciformes

I.i. Family: Psittacidae

  1. African Grey Parrot

Also called the Congo Grey Parrot (Congo African Grey Parrot) or simply a Grey parrot.

General body appearance: An African Grey Parrot is a beautiful unmistakable grey Parrot with a white face and red tail. The tail is bright red in most of the species, but brick red in the western species.

This Parrot is about 33cm long and can weigh over 400g.

Habitation: The Grey Parrot mostly dwells in dense forests. However, it can be spotted on forest edges and in open vegetation like savanna and gallery forests. Usually, found in pairs or small groups.

Diet: Basically, the African Grey Parrot is frugivorous. However, they can eat nuts, flowers, seeds, tree bark and insect-like snails.

In the wild, the Grey Parrots partly forage on the ground. Those in captivity commonly feed on bird pellets, various fruits including Pear, Orange, Apple, and Banana, plus vegetables counting Carrots.

Behaviour: Little is known about the behaviour of these Parrots in the world. However, it’s said that they can imitate various sounds they hear like their relatives in captivity.

Reproduction: Usually, they start breeding at an age of 3-5 years, laying 3-5 eggs, and taking 30 days to hatch.

While in captivity, this Parrot can live for over 40-60 years. But those in the wild have a shorter span of about 23 yrs.

You can spot them within the Kanyanchu area.

More Kibale National Park Birds In Order Of Psittaciformes, Family Psittacidae

461. Brown-necked Parrot462. Meyer’s Parrot

J. Order: Columbiformes

J.i. Family: Columbidae         

  1. Afep Pigeon

Also called the African Wood Pigeon (Grey Wood Pigeon). An Afep Pigeon is a spectacular Pigeon of the family Columbidae.

Physical description: This adorable Pigeon is about 35-36cm long and weighs over 356- 490g.

It’s generally a grey Pigeon, having a grey neck and body, with darker grey wings and tail. Its throat and belly are white while the breast is buff-pink. Note also its red bare skin around the eyes.

Habitat: Generally, it’s found in the equatorial forest, spotted singly or in small flocks resting on dead trees in the Kanyanchu region.

Diet: An Afep Pigeon commonly feeds on grain and seeds.

Reproduction: This spectacular Pigeon usually breeds in the 2nd half of the dry season. Usually, it lays about 1-3 eggs which take about 14-18 days to incubate. Both sexes help raise the chicks.

Juveniles often live for 20-25 days in the nest after hatching.

  1. White-naped Pigeon- Near-threatened

General appearance: The White-naped Pigeon is a beautiful species of bird in the family Columbidae. It’s a lovely dark maroon-grey pigeon with a hind crown and nape that are white in males and grey in females.

While at a close distance, its bill has a black base with a red-yellow tip, and the legs are reddish-purple.

Ecology: The White-napped Pigeon is a scarce resident. Typically, it’s found in pairs or small flocks in the canopy of low-lying and sub-montane forests in the Albertine Rift.

While birding in Kibale National Park, this adorable Pigeon can be spotted in the Kanyanchu area, if lucky.

  1. African Green-Pigeon

An African Green Pigeon is a beautiful species of bird in the family Columbidae.

General appearance: Adults have maroon patches on top of their wings and the juveniles have olive colour.

Their upper parts are greyish-green to yellowish-green and have yellow thighs. The bill and feet of the African green pigeon are red with the bill having a white tip.

Habitat: Typically, the African Green-Pigeon prefers riparian forests, woodlands and savannas. Most times, nomadic groups are found congregating in fruiting trees, especially wild figs.

Behaviors: Just like other species in their Genus, they also spend the most time in tree canopies. Their incredible Parrot-like climbing ability enables them to reach every fruit.

When frightened, they normally explode from the tree and fly swiftly and directly.

Reproduction: In most cases, this Pigeon nests 1-2 eggs often in a tree branch offering an adequate vantage point of their surrounding area. Incubation usually takes about 13-14 days to hatch.

On your birding safari in Uganda Kibale National park, this Pigeon can be spotted in fig trees along the Kanyanchu area.

  1. Rameron Pigeon

The African Olive Pigeon is also called the Rameron Pigeon.

Physical description: A Rameron Pigeon is a large Pigeon, about 37-42cm long and can weigh over 300-450g.

It’s an attractive, dark Pigeon featuring maroon upper parts and densely speckled shoulders with white spots.

The underparts also have maroon with white specks. Note its grey head, bright yellow eye ring, bill, and feet.

Its bright yellow bare parts distinguish it from other Pigeons.

Habitat: This adorable Pigeon is found in cool and moist forest canopies usually, above 1,400m a.s.l. However, locally it occurs as low as 700m altitudes.

It’s mostly found in small flocks, usually close to fruiting trees in forests, woodlands, and plantations.

Diet: Most of the time, the African Olive Pigeon feeds on fruits and berries in the canopy. Nonetheless, it can also descend for fallen fruits and even take some insects and caterpillars.

Behavior: Males have an amazing display in flight which comprises a climb, wing clapping, and slow glide down.

Reproduction:  This Pigeon normally lays one (infrequently 2) white eggs in a large stick nest, set over 15m high in a tree. Their incubation usually takes approximately 17-20 days to hatch.

On your Uganda birding tour in Kibale Forest, the Rameron Pigeon is rarely missed within the Kanyanchu region.

More Kibale Bird Species In Order Of Columbiformes, Family Columbidae

467. Speckled Pigeon

468. Bronze-napped Pigeon

469. Bruce’s Green-Pigeon

470. Lemon Dove

471. Mourning Collared-Dove

472. Red-eyed Dove

473. Ring-necked Dove

474. Vinaceous Dove

475. Laughing Dove

476. Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove

477. Black-billed Wood-Dove

478. Blue-spotted Wood-Dove

479. Tambourine Dove

K. Order: Cuculiformes

K.i. Family:    Cuculidae          

  1. African Emerald Cuckoo

General appearance: The African Emerald Cuckoo is a colorful species of Cuckoo native to Africa. They’re sexually dimorphic.

Males have a vivid green back and head with yellow breasts. Females are striped green and brown on their backs and green and white on their breasts.

Habitat: Emerald Cuckoos are mainly found in moist forests foraging in the middle and top layers of the canopy.

Diet: This Cuckoo’s diet consists mainly of fruits. However, it can be supplemented by insects like caterpillars and ants.

Reproduction: Just like most Cuckoos, the African Emerald Cuckoo is a brood parasite. Females lay eggs in the nests of other bird species. Usually, they lay about 19-25 eggs on average per breeding season.

Their breeding season typically occurs during the rainy season mostly from September- March.

While bird watching in Kibale Forest, this Cuckoo can be spotted along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

  1. Blue-headed Coucal

General appearance: A Blue-headed Coucal is a gorgeous, large Coucal (about 45- 52cm long) with a substantial bill.

This bird’s head usually appears to be black, yet they have a blue shine.

The Blue-headed Coucal can be confused with the Coppery-tailed Coucal. However, their range doesn’t overlap, and it has a smaller size and a blue sheen on its head.

It’s also similar to the Senegal Coucal in colouration but, larger.

Habitat: Frequently, found near water, mostly in marshes, swamps, and wet scrubs. But, it also occasionally appears in open spaces.

This Coucal can be spotted on nature walks in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. White-browed Coucal

The White-browed Coucal is also called the Lark-heeled Cuckoo, a species of Cuckoo in the Cuculidae family.

General appearance: It’s a medium-sized Coucal growing to approximately 36-42cm long.

This species has a black crown and nape, white supercilium, a rufous-brown back, chestnut wings, a blackish rump, and a black tail.

Note its black bill, the red eyes, and the creamy-white underparts.

Ecology: Normally, this bird dwells in regions with thick savannah cover, afforded by rank undergrowth and scrub.

While bird watching in Kibale National park, this lovely bird can be spotted within the Kanyanchu region. However, also possible in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

More Birds Of Kibale National Park In Order Cuculiformes, Family Cuculidae
483. Senegal Coucal

484. Black Coucal

485. Red-chested Cuckoo

486. African Cuckoo

487. Blue Malkoha

488. Diederik Cuckoo

489. Klaas’s Cuckoo

490. Pied Cuckoo

491. Great Spotted Cuckoo

492. Levaillant’s Cuckoo

493. Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo

494. Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo

495. Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo

L. Order: Coliiformes

L.i. Family: Coliidae     

  1. Speckled Mousebird

The Speckled Mousebird is the most prevalent and largest type of mousebird.

General appearance: This Mousebird is about 35cm long with a long scruffy tail, almost half of its body. Can weigh about 57g.

It predominantly holds a brownish-grey plumage.

Note that its blackish face and grey-brown crest sets it apart from other Mousebirds.

Habitat: They’re mostly spotted in tiny social flocks near the boundaries of forests, savannas, and thickets in grasslands, eating various fruits, leaves, flowers, and other plant materials.

Amazingly, this bird is acrobatic, capable of feeding upside down, just like other Moosebirds do.

Reproduction: A Speckled Mousebird normally breeds all time of the year. Most times, females lay 3-4 eggs in untidy cuplike nests made out of vegetable and animal materials.

Their incubation period is over 17-18 days and the infants normally start leaving the nest after around 18 days.

The juveniles are fed by both sexes plus helpers.

In Kibale Forest national park, these birds can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area, and possibly in the nearby Bigodi wetlands.

  1. Blue-naped Mousebird

Physical description: A Blue-napped Mousebird is a beautiful medium (measuring about 13-14 inches long) light grey bird with a prominent long tail.

Adults are ash brown-greyish in colour, with a crested head and blue nape.  Also, note their black-and-red bill.

The youngsters lack a blue nape and have greenish bills and pinkish facial skin.

This bird can be mistaken for the Red-faced Mousebird and the Specked Mousebird, but it’s distinguished by its blue napes.

Habitation: Though uncommon, these birds can be spotted in woodlands as well as savannas, usually in flocks of 5 or fewer.

If lucky, it can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

M. Order: Anseriformes

M.i. Family: Anatidae   

  1. African Black Duck

An African Black Duck can also be called the Black River Duck.

General appearance: It is a medium-sized duck, about 48-57cm long. Males are larger than females.

This nice-looking black duck has orange legs and feet, a black bill, and distinguishing white markings on its back.

Take notice of the purplish-blue speculum that’s visible while in flight.

You can differentiate this duck from the slightly similar Yellow-billed Duck, by its darker colouring, shorter neck, and dark beak rather than a bright yellow one.

Ecology: It’s a rare resident, desiring most forested flowing rivers, but it also frequents ponds. It hunts for insects and plants at dawn and evening.

Diet: The African Black Duck is typically an omnivore. It feeds on larvae and pupae mostly found under rocks. Aquatic animals, plant materials, seeds, snails, crabs, and small fish are eaten also.

Behaviours and Reproduction: They’re very nervous and territorial ducks normally found in pairs or small flocks.

Their breeding season takes place all year round. Females normally lay 4-8 eggs and incubation takes over 30 days.

The fledging period takes about 86 days and it’s only the mom who takes care of the young ones.

Though ever been recorded in Kibale Forest, it’s hardly spotted.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is the best place to spot the African Black Duck on your birding tours in Uganda. Commonly spotted in the Mubwindi swamp in the Ruhija sector.

More Kibale Forest Birds In Order Anseriformes, Family Anatidae   

499. Yellow-billed Duck

500. White-faced Whistling-Duck

501. Fulvous Whistling-Duck

502. Knob-billed Duck

503. Egyptian Goose

504. Spur-winged Goose

505. African Pygmy-Goose

N. Order: Trogoniformes

N.i. Family: Trogonidae        

  1. Narina Trogon

Physical description: The Narina Trogon is a charming medium-sized bird (about 32-34cm long) in the family Trogonidae.

This lovely Trogon features a colourful red belly, a long yellow bill, and white under the tail. Its main colour is an iridescent metallic green.

Females are filthy grey-brown while males have a green throat and face.

The comparable Bare-cheeked Trogon can be distinguished by its, bare yellow skin patches stretching from the cheek to the bill.

A slightly similar “Bar-tailed Trogon” prefers montane woods above 900m and has a highly striped undertail.

Ecology: The Narina Trogon is mostly spotted resting in the canopy of riverine and lowland woodlands.

Diet: Insects, small invertebrates and even rodents plus some small reptiles make up their food

Behaviors and nesting: Males normally expand their throat while making calls, attracting mates and defending their territories. Both sexes may fluff out the breast feathers in the display.

Normally, these Trogons nest in tree holes. Both sexes incubate the eggs.

In Kibale, the Narina Trogon can be spotted along the Kanyanchu chimp trail.

  1. Bar-tailed Trogon

Physical appearance: The Bar-tailed Trogon is a beautiful species of green and red Trogon belonging to the Trogonidae family.

It’s about 28cm long.

Bar-tailed Trogon’s undersides of the tail are extensively striped black and white.

Note also its yellow feet and a bill.

It’s easily distinguished from other African Trogons by its banded tail.

Habitat: This Trogon is usually found in montane forests. However, it can also be found in some forests at altitudes between 900-3,000m.

Diet: Its feeding mode is similar to those of other Trogons. Feeds mostly on insects and fruits.

Reproduction: The breeding season of the Bar-tailed Trogons occurs as the rainy season begins, normally in October and November.

On your birding safari in Uganda Kibale National Park, this Trogon can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

O. Order: Bucerotiformes

O.i. Family: Bucerotidae         

  1. Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill

The Black-and-white Casqued Hornbill is called the Grey-cheeked Hornbill.

This huge Hornbill is about 60-70cm long with a wing span of 70-96cm. Males can weigh about 1-1.5kg while females 1-1.25kg.

Physical appearance: It’s an amazing giant black and white Hornbill with a gigantic casque on top of its massive blackish bill.

Note: Females have smaller black and white bills while males have larger ones

In flight, it displays a large white patch on the underside of each wing and a black tail with white sides. This Hornbill resembles the White-thighed Hornbill.

However, it’s identified by its darker bill, a bigger casque, a tail with a black centre, and black wingtips.

Habitat: Usually, these Hornbills are found in dense forests and adjacent areas of lush woodlands and cultivations. In most cases, they’re seen in pairs or small groups in the canopy of fruiting trees.

Diet: Their diet comprises mainly fruits. However, it has been noted that they are more capable of hunting small animals, like lizards and also forage on the eggs of other birds.

If lucky, this Hornbill can be spotted along the Kanyanchu trail and also possibly within the Sebitoli region.

  1. Crowned Hornbill

General appearance: A Crowned Hornbill is a stunning dark brown medium hornbill (50-54cm long), with a white belly and a distinctive bright orange bill.

Note its white tail corners while in flight. Both look alike however, males have a larger casque on top of their bills compared to females.

Crowned Hornbills have minimal overlap in range with other similar Hornbills. However, it can be further identified by their yellow eyes.

Ecology: These Hornbills are commonly spotted in woodlands, forests, and along the forest edges, normally in pairs or small flocks.

Diet: The Crowned Hornbill commonly forages in trees, feeding on eggs of birds, insects, small reptiles, small rodents, seeds and fruits.

Reproduction: This Hornbill specifically breeds in the dry season with 4-5 eggs which are incubated for about 25-30 days.

The infants normally remain with their parents for over 8 weeks.

On your Uganda birding tours in Kibale, this Hornbill is rarely missed within the Kanyanchu area.

The Other Uganda Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Bucerotiformes, Family Bucerotidae

510. Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill

511. African Pied Hornbill

512. African Grey Hornbill

513. Black Dwarf Hornbill

Order: Apodiformes

P.i. Family: Apodidae          

  1. Cassin’s Spinetail

Cassin’s Spine tail is a beautiful species of swift in the family Apodidae.

General appearance: This swift appears almost tailless and its wings appear “tired” at the body but are otherwise relatively straight and broad.

It has a distinctive pattern of a black throat, wings, and back. Note also the white belly, white vent, and a narrow white band on top of the rump.

Habitat: This bird is normally found in African tropical rainforests. In Uganda, it’s endemic in the Kibale Forest.

They can be spotted within the Kanyanchu area.

Other Birds Of Kibale Forest National Park Uganda In Order Of Apodiformes, Family Apodidae

515. Mottled Spine tail

516. Sabine’s Spinetail

517. Scarce Swift

518. Alpine Swift

519. Mottled Swift

520. African Palm Swift

521. Common Swift

522. African Swift

523. Little Swift

524. Horus Swift

525. White-rumped Swift

Q. Order: Caprimulgiformes

Q.i. Family: Caprimulgidae

Birds Of Kibale Forest In Order Caprimulgiformes, Family Caprimulgidae

526.Pennant-winged Nightjar

527.Nubian Nightjar

528.Fiery-necked Nightjar

529.Swamp Nightjar

530.Plain Nightjar

531.Square-tailed Nightjar

R. Order: Gruiformes

R.i. Family: Sarothruridae

Kibale National Park Birds In Order Of Gruiformes, Family Sarothruridae

532.White-spotted Flufftail

R.ii. Family: Rallidae

Uganda Kibale National Park Birds In Order Of Gruiformes, Family Rallidae

533.African Rail

534.African Crake

535.     Black Crake

536.Eurasian Moorhen

537.Red-knobbed Coot


S. Order: Charadriiformes

S.iii. Family: Recurvirostridae

Birds Of Kibale In Order Of Charadriiformes, Family Recurvirostridae

538. Black-winged Stilt

S.iv. Family: Charadriidae

Kibale Park Birds In Order Charadriiformes, Family Charadriidae

539. Long-toed Lapwing

540. Spur-winged Lapwing

541. Senegal Lapwing

542. Crowned Lapwing

543. Wattled Lapwing

544. Brown-chested Lapwing

545. Kittlitz’s Plover

546. Little Ringed Plover

S.iv. Family: Jacanidae

Kibale Forest Birds In Order Charadriiformes, Family Jacanidae

547. African Jacana

S.v. Family: Scolopacidae

 Kibale National Park Birds In Order Charadriiformes, Family     Scolopacidae

548. Ruff

549. Little Stint

550. Wood Sandpiper

551. Common Sandpiper

552. Common Greenshank


S.vi. Family: Glareolidae

 Birds In Uganda Kibale National Park In Order Charadriiformes, Family Glareolidae

553. Collared Pratincole

S.vii. Family: Laridae

Birds Of Kibale Forest National Park In Order Charadriiformes, Family Laridae

554. Grey-hooded Gull

555. Black-headed Gull

556. Gull-billed Tern

557. Whiskered Tern

558. African Skimmer

Order: Ciconiiformes

T.i. Family: Ciconiidae

 Birds In Kibale National Park In Order Ciconiiformes, Family Ciconiidae

559.African Openbill

560.Abdim’s Stork

561.African Woolly-necked Stork

562.Saddle-billed Stork

563.Marabou Stork

564.Yellow-billed Stork

U. Order: Pelecaniformes

U.i. Family: Scopidae

Kibale Birds In Order Pelecaniformes, Family Scopidae


U.ii. Family: Ardeidae

Uganda Birds In Kibale Forest National Park In Order Pelecaniformes, Family Scopidae

566. Little Bittern

567. Dwarf Bittern

568. Grey Heron

569. Black-headed Heron

570. Goliath Heron

571. Purple Heron

572. Great Egret

573. Intermediate Egret

574. Little Egret

575. Black Heron

576. Cattle Egret

577. Squacco Heron

578. Rufous-bellied Heron

579. Striated Heron

580. Black-crowned Night-Heron

581. White-backed Night-Heron

Order: Strigiformes

V.i. Family: Tytonidae

Birds Of Kibale Forest In Order Strigiformes, Family Tytonidae

582. Barn Owl

V.ii. Family: Strigidae

Kibale National Park Birds In Order Strigiformes, Family Strigidae

583. African Scops-Owl

584. Southern White-faced Owl

585. Spotted Eagle-Owl

586. Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl

587. Pearl-spotted Owlet

588. Red-chested Owlet

589. African Wood-Owl


W. Order: Bucerotiformes

W.ii. Family: Upupidae

Kibale Forest Birds In Order Bucerotiformes, Family Upupidae

590. Eurasian Hoopoe

W.iii. Family: Phoeniculidae

 Kibale National Park Birds In Order Bucerotiformes, Family Upupidae

591. Green Woodhoopoe

592. White-headed Woodhoopoe

593. Forest Scimitarbill

594. Common Scimitarbill

W.iv. Family: Bucorvidae      

Birds In Uganda Kibale National Park In Order Bucerotiformes, Family Bucorvidae

595. Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill- Vulnerable

X. Order: Falconiformes

X.ii. Family: Falconidae

Birds Of Kibale In The Order Of Falconiformes, Family Falconidae

596. Eurasian Kestrel

597. Grey Kestrel

598. Eurasian Hobby

599. African Hobby

600. Lanner Falcon

601. Peregrine Falcon

Y. Order: Psittaciformes

Y.i. Family: Psittaculidae

  Kibale National Park Birds In Order Of Psittaciformes, Family Psittacidae

602. Red-headed Lovebird

For bird lovers on Safaris in Uganda, Kibale National Park is a must not miss paradise!

Kibale is among the best birding sites to spot forest birds of Uganda counting the rare Green-breasted Pitta. Other common birds in Kibale National Park include the Great-blue Turaco, Double-toothed Barbets, Red-faced Barbets, Red-Rumped Tinkerbirds, etc.

Also, take notice of the rare Albertine endemic bird species and some Kibale endemics which can’t be spotted anywhere in Uganda. But, present in Kibale Park!

For Bird Lovers Interested In Birding Safaris In Uganda, Book With Us Now For A Memorable Experience! Please, Feel Free To Email Us For Any Inquiries About Your Uganda Tour.

FAQS About Birds In Kibale National Park

  1. How Many Bird Species Are In Kibale National Park?

Over 370 bird species have been spotted in Kibale National Park most of them being forest birds. Some of them include, the Green-breasted Pitta, Double-toothed Barbets, Black-billed Barbets, Yellow Fronted Tinker birds, etc.

Uganda birding safaris in Kibale are usually combined with tours in Bigodi wetlands, an ideal place to spot the Great-blue Turacos.

  1. What Are The Most Sought-After Birds In Kibale National Park?

There’re various birds in Kibale National Park (over 370 in total). However, some of the most sought-after by travellers on Uganda birding tours include:

  1. The Green-breasted Pitta
  2. Great-blue Turaco
  3. Double-toothed Barbet
  4. Black-billed Barbet
  5. Red-Rumped Tinkerbird
  6. Red-Fronted Barbet
  7. Red-Faced Barbet
  8. Yellow Fronted tinker bird
  9. Yellow-Fronted Tinkerbird
  10. Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird
  11. Abyssinian Ground Thrush
  12. Black-faced Apalis
  13. African Pitta, etc.

 What Is The Most Sought-After Bird In Kibale National Park?

The Green-breasted Pitta is the most sought-after bird in Kibale National Park by travellers on Uganda birding safaris. In Africa, Kibale Forest National Park is the best birding site to spot this rare adorable bird species.

Kibale is also an ideal site to encounter the beautiful Great-blue Turaco, which breeds in the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

  1. What Are The Endemic Birds In Kibale National Park?

Kibale National Park holds 4 endemic bird species which can’t be spotted in any other national park in Uganda. These include:

  • Cassin’s spinetail
  • Blue-headed bee-eater
  • Nahan’s francolin
  • Masked apalis
  1. Where To Spot Birds in Kibale National Park?

While bird watching in Uganda Kibale National Park, the Kanyanchu expanse is mainly used. It’s an ideal place to spot most birds in Kibale park, including the rare Green-breasted Pitta.

Please note that the nearby Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is also among the ideal birding sites in Uganda. This wetland is home to over 200 bird species a viable population of Great- blue Turacos.

Therefore, for a memorable birding safari in Uganda Kibale National Park, it’s advisable to combine the two sites.

  1. What Is The Best Season To Spot Birds In Kibale National Park?

Birds in Kibale National Park can be spotted all year round. However, the best time for Uganda birding tours in Kibale forest is during the dry months of June- August and December- February.

Since Kibale park is a rainforest, during these months it receives little rainfall. Therefore, the trails are relatively drier & there’re minimal chances of rainfall inconvenience during the activity.

March-May and September- November are wet seasons thus, much rainfall is received in Kibale Forest. During this time, trails become a bit challenging and rain is usually an inconvenience.

  1. What Is The Best Time Of The Day To Spot Birds Of Kibale National Park?

Birds in Kibale National Park can be spotted all time of the year. However, an expert birding guide in Uganda emphasises the morning session, starting around 7 am.

He says, “during the morning birds are so active, coming out to feed”. In The afternoon they tend to rest under tree canopies.

Therefore, for a great birding experience in Kibale National Park, the morning session is advised.

  1. What Big Five Birds Of Africa Are Found In Kibale National Park?

Kibale National Park is among the few birding areas in Uganda where you can spot the Incredible Big Five Birds of Africa! Among these five adorable birds, Kibale holds 3 and among these include:

  • Great-blue Turaco
  • Grew Crowned Crane and,
  • The Black-and-white caqued Hornbill.

Note: Kibale park just lacks the elusive Shoebill and the Long-crested Eagle among the Big five birds of Africa!

  1. What To Park While Planning To Spot Birds In Kibale National Park?

Here is the ultimate guide for all that’s required for an effective birdwatching safari in Kibale National Park:

  • A camera: This is so vital as it will help you to capture incredible photos of beautiful birds in Kibale National Park. Some of the recommended ones include Canon Powershot SX70 HS and Nikon Coolpix P1000.
  • Binoculars: These help you to have clear views of birds in tree canopies, and those in distant places. Nikon Monarch 78X42 Nature Binocular is recommended.
  • Comfortable hiking shoes: Such shoes are the only ones ideal while hiking in the jungle. There must be sturdy and waterproof.
  • Insect repellents: The fact that Kibale is a rainforest, it might be prone to biting insects like Mosquitoes. Therefore, insect repellents will protect you from any possibility of biting insects.
  • Sunglasses and sunhat: These will protect you from tropical sunlight. In most cases, on spotting the lovely bird, most birders put off sunglasses for incredible views.
  • A rain jacket: It will protect you in case rain finds you in the jungle. Remember, Kibale is a rainforest prone to rainfall.
  • Bottled drinking water: This will help to keep your body hydrated as you always take more hours in the jungle.
  • A backpack: This helps to keep all your birding necessities safe while in the jungle.
  1. What Are The Importance Of Birds In Kibale National Park?

Birds In Kibale National Park are of great importance to the environment, economy and the environment.

  1. Environmental Values Of Birds In Kibale National Park
  • Birds help in the dispersal of our native plant seeds from one place to another new environments. This is mostly done by the forest birds that feed on forest fruits.
  • Also, birds help in pollinating flowering plants. This is mostly done by Sunbird species that feed mostly on the nectar of plants.
  • Furthermore, birds feed on rodents, insects plus other small animals. This helps to check on the population of these dangerous species to man low. Thus, balancing the ecosystem.

2. Economic Importance Of Birds In Kibale Forest

  • Birds in Kibale National Park have promoted the growth of tourism in Uganda. For example, their presence in Kibale has geared up Uganda birding safaris in Kibale forest national park.

Many visitors “bird lovers” come all over the globe to look out for the adorable bird species in Kibale counting the Green-breasted Pitta.

3. Cultural Importance Of Birds In Kibale National Park

Some of the birds found in Kibale Forest have great cultural beliefs attached to them by some cultures of Uganda. For example, some people in Uganda have totems which are birds.

Among the Baganda tribe, Uganda birds like Pied Crow “Namungona” and Cattle Egret “ENyange” are totems to some clans. To these people, such birds are highly respected and can’t be killed or eaten.

It’s believed that these totems have spiritual meaning attached to them. In Africa, people with the same totem can’t marry each other as it’s considered incest.

Want to visit Kibale Forest?

Want to visit Kibale Forest National Park, Uganda's best chimpanzee trekking destination?
